Saturday, August 25, 2012

Stupidly bugged...

This is stupid, and I know it shouldn't bug me but maybe it's the person in question doing the bugging not so much the situation.
Anyway, I went out last Saturday night for my friends birthday. We went to this bar in the city so I dressed nice, as you do when you're heading out, and I put on some make up.
So we're out, chilling having a great old time and one of my friends goes: "Hey, you're wearing make up!" with this shocked look on his face. And I'm just kinda like...yeah, I'm wearing a skirt too, what's your point?
Just because I don't wear makeup (or a skirt/dress) every day doesn't mean I dont know how to and won't ever.
What's the big deal anyway? Girls wear make up all the time.
 Argh. Stupid.
It just bugs me when people make a big deal out of it.
I mean, for what it's worth he told me I looked nice but that's kind of the reason why I don't wear make up - I shouldn't have to in order to look good.

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