Tuesday, April 03, 2012

My Mid-Semester 'Break' Checklist

The ever growing list of things I plan/want to do on my 8 day long break (in no particular order except the one I wrote them down in).

1. Wash my car - Rosie is in desperate need of a wash, she's got bug guts and dust all over her :(
2. Read Hunger Games - find out what all the rage is.
3. See Hunger Games - as above and coz that Hemsworth kid is hot.
4. Start essays X 4 - hopefully I'll be able to "get ahead".
5. Do my readings - as above
6. See the new American Pie - pretty self-explanatory really.
7. See Battleship - I hate Rhianna with a passion but it seems like it'll be a pretty good movie. And Alexander Skarsgard is in it (and so is one of the guys from the Covenant) so my epic Eric love cancels out my Rhianna hate.
8. Practice basketball - so my coach doesn't kill me, or worse give that disappointed look.

8 things, 8 days.
I'll let you know how it goes.