Monday, November 25, 2013

Don't Talk to the Antisocial Bitch (i.e. Me)

I'm in the kind of mood where I'm just like "don't talk to me, just don't." First I was sick, then I had exams and now I have no relevant excuse except I'm an antisocial bitch.

This rule doesn't apply to everyone of course but 90% of people I just don't want to talk to, I don't want to hear about their problems or excuses 'cause it's always the same and I'm sick of listening to the same thing over and over.

I'm just in a bad mood really but people talking to me isn't making it better.

Give me my space, I'm an only child, I need it.

I think I need new friends. I love my friends and I don't want to trade them in for new ones but I think I need to meet new people, people that I don't know practically inside out and whose minor flaws won't irritate me to no end. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Strength is in the mind.

I have not contributed to this blog for a while. It's not that I haven't had much to write about, nor time to do so. I just haven't been motivated. I sure have things to write about. I got offered an honours project that I desperately wanted, I have a job at a lab with many interesting people, I did a placement at a museum and I am happily enjoying a serious relationship with someone. But what inspired me to write today is an admirable friend.

This friend of mine is not very "close" but I see her at least once a week.
Today I found out something sad. 
My friends mum has cancer, and has had it for a few years now.
I knew she was sick, but I didn't know she was cancer sick.
She's in palliative care.
I have met her mother a few times and she is a positive person.
My friend has never revealed much about her mum to our little group before. Which makes me sad because it means it is serious. We told her to just stay strong and keep motivated for her exams. She told us that it is ok because her mum had brought her up to be motivated.
But what I want to say how outstanding my friend is. She always puts 120% of effort. 
She never wastes time fluffing around. She goes to gym, studies full time at uni, juggles part time work, and manages to find time to practice, and keep a social life.
At the moment she is in the middle of exams, her mum is very sick, and she is keeping it all together. I don't know how she does it.
But the main thing is that she never complains. Ever. She is not someone who is full of excuses, who is never on time, or puts in a half ass attempt. She is a yes man. She is always up for more. 
The fact that she hadn't told us about it until today reveals her true nature. She doesn't like people feeling sorry for her or seeing her vulnerable. She is a strong person.
She is inspiring.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

I have this friend....lets call him, say......Jake. Because coincidentally, thats actually his name. Let me tell you a bit about him, total wanker, but heart of least thats what he'd like people to think. What it actually is a more of a lead heart coated with tin, but like that kinda tin that when you hold it up to the light kinda looks like gold. But i digress. Basically he wants to hijack our blog and turn it to the dark side (sans cookies). Sorry that was Zo (cos yeah real sneaky naming it the ZoHan blog......expecting us to be all like, 'damn, lord knows who's writing this') the bit about hijacking that is, the self deprecating stuff is all me i feel awkward, can i even say baby on the internet anymore. Thank god this isn't tumblr because I'd be crushed under the waves of procrastination and armchair activism. GAH THE PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE COMMENTS, THE GIFS. I kid I kid.

So let me tell you a bit about Zo (once again, sho sneaky). She's about yay tall, Italian and has that sort of hair that no matter how you hug her kinda invades portions of your face but she's an amazing person. Don't let her know it though cos fuck it'd go straight to her head, and she lacks the coordination/balance to manage the extra weight. Though i find myself wondering at times (like the italian mother I am) why she no meet nice boy, not for her sake but for my own. We need fresh blood in the group, it got a little bit incestuous there for a while but its starting to show signs of supporting external life. Though seriously, she totally deserves someone awesome, and if it weren't for the fact that everyone in med is borderline sociopathic and megalomaniacal, I would have already set her up with a fine young paediatrician who moonlights as firefighter who specialises in saving orphans and little old ladies and is known to run into burning buildings to save kittens, that he then nurses back to health through his raw masculinity and love.

Enough about Zo (never gets old), lets talk about Han ( seeing a pattern), what can I say about Han that hasn't been said a million times before. Massive Poo. That about covers it.

Peace. *drops mic* booooooooooooooooooobs.