Sunday, February 19, 2012

I have found that i have not blogged anything for a while. You think that i would have, after having an amazing trip to bali, an entertaining and slightly controversial christmas, a fun new years, camping and a couple of awkwardly hilarious gigs. And i am only choosing to write now when i am stuck at home bored, unable to find a job, waiting for uni to return.
Its during this time that i think about the mistakes i have made throughout the years.
There are those mistakes that you regret almost straight away, and there are those where the consequences happen much later and are harder to undo, and therefor harder to admit to making.
The one i have been thinking of lately was not getting a job while in highschool. At the time i was so preoccupied with my music and art that i hardly thought of it. A few of my friends had jobs, but many didn't. Its not like i never did anything. I played in a band and still do, but there isn't really any money in that, and i did babysitting for a year. I have experiences and skills, but they arent what people are looking for anymore. Why hire someone who has had no formal experience when they can pay someone who is underage for less? I am hindered by my second problem....i have no car, and therefor must use public transport. Which highlights the fact that i should have started learning to drive earlier.
I could blame it all on my mother and say its her fault for convincing me to focus on my studies, and made me nervous about learning to drive, and for her unwillingness to drive me anywhere now.
But it is my problem and my fault. I was lazy then so now i have to work harder to fix it now.
It is a lesson learnt. I dont need a job now, but i may need money in the future. I have started trying to get experience for the future. I want a job in science, so this year i am volunteering to teach science in schools. The more experience i gain, the more contacts i form, the easier it will be for me when i finish my degree.
 Some lessons i know i will never learn, such as starting my assignments before the night before its due. But this one i never forget.

Monday, February 13, 2012

I don't wear makeup.

It’s not because I think I’m so beautiful I don’t need it, because I doubt any woman does.

I am well aware that makeup does make me look prettier, it makes my blue eyes *pop*, it makes my skin look smoother, it makes my lips look fuller.

I don’t wear makeup partly because I’m lazy and I don’t think it’s worth the extra 15-20 minutes in the morning but mainly because I don’t believe I should have to alter my appearance to impress you.
I don’t believe that in order for a guy to ask me out or hit on me I need to have thick black eyelashes, shimmering eyelids, accented eyes, a flawless complexion and sparkling lips.

If you’re going to love me, I want you to love me for who I am not for who I make myself up as.

That’s not to say I never wear makeup because I do, on special occasions, my Deb, year 12 Formal, Valedictory, the occasional birthday party or nights out, a christening or confirmation.

I just think that a much better picture of who I am is trackies, a singlet, bright coloured socks and wet hair watching T.V. at home on a Saturday night than dressed to the nines, all made up and out at 1am on a Friday night.

Eventually I’ll find someone who appreciates that and he is the one I’ll dress up for, put in the effort for. 
One day.