Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 17 - Least Favourites

Book: Oh God, Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey? Do they even count as books? No? Okay then my least favourite book is Fahrenheit 451 that I had to read in year 10. I just...hated it, it was difficult to read and weird and boring. Don't read it - that's my advice.

Movie: also Twilight? I'm probably gonna cop some hate for this but I've never been a big fan of Toy Story, I don't hate it but it's definitely not up the good end of the scale. I also hate the muppets. *dodges rotten tomatoes*

TV Show: The Simpsons - I just think it's stupid.

Band/artist: Rhianna. I just...don't like her.

Artist: From my limited knowledge of artists I choose...Picasso.

Colour: Orange. I hate orange.

Number: 7 or 3 or 9. I don't like odd numbers. Or the number 6.

Season: Autumn I guess...even though it's my birthday. It's just kind of a meh season.

Actor/Actress: Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston. I don't think he's funny and I don't get all the hype around her. I'm definitely Team Angelina.

Animal: I'm definitely not pro-spider.

Name (boy and girl): I don't like the weird names like Jet or Harlow.

Food: Peas.

Flower: How can you hate a flower? Come on. Venus Fly Trap I guess...just 'cause they're kinda scary...

Author: Stephanie Meyer. She has to legitimately show up on this list at least once.

Teacher: SECS a.k.a Stupid Evil Communist Sub. He wasnt actually a communist (as far as I know) we were just studying communism when we had him. He sucked. And he didn't like me.

Comedian: I dont think I even know enough comedians to not like one. Adam Sandler again? Is he even a comedian? I don't know. He is now.

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