Friday, September 07, 2012

Day 25 - Who Would You Go Camping With? Describe them.

I didn't post this challenge last night because I was out being an awesome friend and supporting Han and her band at a gig. After driving through near torrential rain and getting lost I really did have an amazing night dancing and singing along to their music which is why I forgot about this but I'm here to do it now.

I'm not anti-camping, Outward Bound was one of my favourite school camps ever, and it's not the sleeping on the ground or lack of toilet that bothers's the no shower. I like to be able to wash. Sure I could just go camping for 2 days and the not showering thing wouldn't be an issue but when I go away I like to go away for at least a week otherwise I may as well have just stayed home.

Who I'd go camping with would just be my friends, the same people I have drinking nights with, or Cold Rock dates or movie marathons, my friends from school. I love being around heaps of my friends and having them all there at once, not just because it makes life easier to see people if they're all together but because I think out of a result of being an only child, I spend a lot of time on my own (which I do enjoy) so it's nice to be in a big group and also my friendship group is rather large. True, it does have it's factions but we're all friends. It's pretty impressive to be able to coordinate and organise 25 people to get out and do something together even with the help of Facebook.

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