Wednesday, November 07, 2012


So fanfiction is kind of what I spend half my life reading and/or writing (I know right, I have the coolest and least creepy/lame hobby ever) but what's been starting to worry me lately is the prevalence of abusive relationships and rough sex I've been coming across (and promptly skipping).

When he hurts you, hits you, intentionally or you know, at all really (unless he trips over a squirrel and elbows you in the nose or something in some freak accident), thats not "hot", it's not good, it's not sexy, he's not being macho protector man, he's being primitive cave man. You don't forgive him the second he promises he "really does love you." You get the fuck out of that relationship! Staying with someone who's hurt you, not just physically but emotionally or mentally or in anyway at're not helping yourself at all and I suggest you hightail it out of there.

Maybe I'm being naive and narrow minded, maybe I've never been in love. Maybe I'm a stronger person who has more self-respect for herself. I do try my best to "think about the circumstance that led a person to be doing what they're doing" before I make my judgements but hitting someone, anyone...that is not cool. That's not to say I've never done it, my cousin and I used to fight like cat and dog when we were kids, I play basketball and sometimes you get frustrated but when you do it to someone you love...I don't really know how there's any coming back from that. Maybe I won't know what I'd do if I were ever in that situation until (God forbid) I am. Maybe I'd give him a second chance. But if I did, it'd only be the one.

'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.'

As for rough sex, I suppose some relationships do have a trust base where, if you were into that kind of thing, you would trust that other person not to hurt you seriously but...I just worry about what the likes of this stuff and 50 Shades of Grey will do to the admittedly far-too-young-to-be-reading-porn and impressionable girls who do read it and, unfortunately, seem to take it as gospel.

At least the over-romanticised world of Mills & Boon novels didn't hurt anyone.

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