Friday, November 16, 2012

Game of Thrones!

Just finished the first series of Game of Thrones. Our favourite characters are Ghost, Arya and Daenerys. We got together and finished it in two nights. So excited to get together and watch the next season. We spent half the time shouting at the screen or getting confused with the intricate plot. (I am horrible with names and there is a lot of people talking about others behind their backs. In fact there is more plotting than there is nudity, which there is quite a bit of...)

Also, completely off topic, I have 7 hours of driving to do this w/e so I hired an audio book from the library. 17+ hours on one cd! Where can I get me one of those? You could fit multiple playlists on there. The Ambassador's Mission is the first in the Traitor Spy trilogy that follows on from the Black Magician trilogy, which we have both read and enjoyed. I am not usually one for audiobooks. I get really annoyed with the voices and confused with names. I remember them better when I read them. I have listened to the Harry Potter audio books sooooo many times. I read them first of course, but there is absolutely nothing you can fault Stephen Fry on. He reads at a perfect pace, with perfect tone/noise/pitch. One day I will buy them all, when I have 490 dollars to spend.

Haha I came on here to talk about game of thrones and ended up talking more about other stuff...

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