Monday, November 05, 2012

Baby in the Summertime

I never used to understand what all the fuss was about Summer.
Sure, it's hot, the sun's nice, swimming, being outside blah blah blah but then, then, I got my license and I could go places. God, being able to drive is potentially the best thing in the world, ever. Definitely the best thing since sliced bread. Being able to go: 'Hey, you know what would be great? If I went here and did this. Awesome, it's a plan. Leaving now.'

The beach, driving with the windows down and the music pumping, sunnies on, swimmers and towel in the boot, sunscreen, reading a book in the sun, waves, laughter, sand everywhere, fish and chips, more daylight, good times.
Summer is all of the above and more.

I love winter fashion, long coats, tights, boots, scarves, hats, gloves but there's something about the Australian summer that even European fashion can't top.

Last summer was amazing I spent a large amount of time at the beach and also a fair amount of time driving to and from it. I only hope this summer supersedes it. I have high hopes for it though. The summer hasn't even started yet and I've been to the beach and already have plans to go twice more in the upcoming weeks. Despite the fact I plan to spend two weeks in February in Italy (the coldest month in Europe so everyone tells me) and thus miss out on two weeks of Summer here I have a feeling this summer is going to be fun.

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