Thursday, November 29, 2012

Global Warming

No one really cares about global warming. And no one will until something happens. I mean the scientists will, but that is about it.
Sitting in my lecture i started thinking like that guy from die hard 4. Remember when he said that he though a fire sale would be really cool? Well how many scientists think a global warming disaster would be spectacular? Sitting in biogeography I was getting a bit of perspective of the timescale. We are a pinprick in the earths life. Australia moves north 7cm a year on average. The land mass of india smashed into asia forming a huge mountain range. To think of how long that would have taken. Earth is actually in a cooling period and we are in an interglacial period. Humans have only known a small part of the earth's history. Yet we think ourselves indestructible. Change happens so slow we don't see it. Imagine being able to watch evolution, to watch speciation occur. Well I had a very dark thought today. Global warming. We could just let everyone go and watch as they alter the climate with their power plants, factories and cows and watch what happens out of scientific interest. But we are nice. We warn you about it, we do your research, and then you choose the option that allows you to keep your creature comforts. But unlike a firesale we can't fix the environment. Though im sure we will get paid a shit load to attemp to. Perhaps one day a much more intelligent species will find our fossils and try figure out how such a widely distributed species became extinct...

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