Saturday, October 27, 2012

Extrovert, Ambivert, Introvert

I was listening to the radio the other day, and they were talking about introverts and extroverts, and how an introvert deals with living in an environment that is more focused on an extrovert lifestyle. It gets you wondering whether your more introverted or extroverted. An introvert isn't just a shy loner with a lack of social skills, but someone who works well alone and values solitude. Thinking about it, there are times when i can be very introverted. I love my time alone. I love reading or playing piano for hours without interruption. I could probably watch movies all day while making art or playing solitaire. When I do art I hate to be rushed, or watched or interrupted. I can sit in front of the TV and watch movies all day and whip out a couple of drawings. I hate group assignments. I can work in a group fine, but I always feel i could have done a better job by myself. I work faster by myself, I find it difficult to study with others in the room, as I can be easily distracted. Most people know me as really loud and outgoing however. I enjoy the group activities and look forward to them, as long as they don't involve clubbing. I prefer a bar with a live band to a DJ and heaps of sweat bodies and too much noise. I like talking with people and hear what they say. I like spending time one on one with a friend. I like talking probably a little more than listening, but I don't like talking about close and personal issues, and I avoid saying things that will cause conflict, I hate confrontation. Being on the go all the time can wear me out however and at times I find myself just wanting to be alone.
The world seems to be for extroverts these days however. At uni there are many group assignments, you can't put "prefer to work alone" on a resume and everything is open plan these days.
But we would not have the world we have today without the introverts who sit alone, writing songs we listen to, writing the books we read. Extroverts can seem like the centre of the universe, the driving force in society, but how about those great thinkers?

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