Sunday, May 29, 2011


You don't realise it in high school, but all those years of classes and lunchtimes are just practicing for the real world. And I'm not only talking about assignments and managing your time around a million things, but I'm talking about relationships. At school, if you have an argument with a friend you will most likely resolve it within a couple of weeks. Why? because you're stuck with them. You see them everyday at school. But the scary thing is, when you leave that tight knit community you don't have to see them anymore. You don't have to make up, you just move on. And hell, you even find yourself drifting away from even your closest school friends. I'm scared of that day when i will realise that i have lost a friend, because in my mind, even though i haven't seen some friends in over a month, i still consider them close friends.
And why don't we see them anymore? We're always busy, free at different times, have exams, working that day. It is exhausting to organise events, and when you do its hard to get one on one time with that one person your itching to talk to.
I'm kind of sad, because even through the last few years of high school i've felt myself drifting away from my best friend since year seven. I started to find that other people knew mare about her and her love life etc more than me, and i felt even more distanced as we started taking different classes. I don't want to be the jealous type, even though at times i have felt the green little monster inside me wanting to get out. But the further away i get from people, the harder it is to get back. I think you get to the point where you are a part of so many communities that as much as you want to, you can't keep in touch with everyone, and you cant keep all your relationships as strong as you want. You just need to take those skills you have been practicing since day one or prep in the playground days of sharing the slide and not taking those acorn fights so seriously, and organise to catch up with everyone once a month, and organise regular brunch or coffee mornings with those few who you want to keep for life. It is something that has occurred to me in the part few days. You can't just expect things to happen. You need to make them happen. So when i have a few free minutes after this post, i'm going to contact my best friend since year 7 and organise to catch up this week.
I think you get so caught up with everything that there are few who really see who you are. As said in an earlier post, only few are lucky to see the real you below all the different layers. Maybe thats your mum, or your boyfriend, or you best friend. And sometimes no one can understand someone completely. We all know the same people in different ways because each person brings out a different quality in others. I am a different person at home than at uni, and my life in music is a different world entirely. It's not like you are trying to be someone your are not, but it is more that different characteristics are brought out in different situations. We get caught up in so many groups of friends that we find it difficult to keep in touch with everyone. And thats all i miss from high school, having everyone on one convenient location, kind of like K Mart or Big W. I think now it just comes down to making an effort to keep in touch with all the different people we love, and this is where true friendship is tested.

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