Tuesday, May 24, 2011

All i want (continued)

I understand you completely Zo. I have a similar dream, that one day i will write a song that will move people, that i will be proud to play. There have been a few songs that have done that for me, and because of them i find myself loving classical music. It all happens quite suddenly; i will hear the song somewhere and by the next day i would have it downloaded on my i pod with the sheet music in front of me. Its that song which it so beautiful you want it played over and over, and want it at your funeral and wedding, and you cant help thinking that the world would be a better place if they could hear what was coming out of your earphones at that moment.
It is sad the way things have changed over time in a way. Many people don't listen to classical music anymore. I remember as i went through my early teens when i absolutely hated it because it just wasn't cool. I didn't have that patience to listen to it. I wanted fast music and beats. And i still do today, don't get me wrong, i love rock and pop and i even play in a band. As i grew up out of that stage and into the later school years, when i was sick of being like everyone else, i started searching inside myself for those qualities that would make me unique, and someone that i could feel proud of. I started focusing more on my music. As i did, and i improved, i felt greater about myself, because i found myself playing things i had once thought impossible. There is pride and there is also something else you can't describe.
When i say i feel proud, i don't mean that feeling you get when someone praises you for something, because i hate that feeling. I always feel as though people may think that i am trying to show off. I find that i feel proud of the self achievement. I am not as great with words as Zo, and I'm sure you would probably be able to describe it, but there are moments when you play music where you immerse yourself so greatly with the music that you almost feel at one with it, and everything that goes on around you is forgotten. It's not something you get from playing in front of a crowd, or doing exams, but when you are alone, just practicing.
So if i could write something that could grab at someones heart so intensely, to make them want to listen to it over and over and play it and share it, i think i wouldn't care what was to happen for the rest of my life. I don't want to be the next Mozart, and defiantly not the Beethoven (for those who don't understand, he went deaf) But i would like to write song that you would find on the soundtrack to The Piano, or Amelie. It is a dream that i am not expecting to achieve, but I'm not going to stop messing around on the piano in my free time.
I think the best achievements are unplanned, so i vow to keep trying Zo, if you keep writing. You may have already written something that is beautiful, and one day someone will be lucky enough to find it, and shed a tear over, as they are pulled into a world built by your words that is so exhilarating that they would find it somewhat sad to leave as they turn that last page. Maybe someone will make it into a movie with a soundtrack that is just as beautiful that people like myself will find it on my play list.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Han:)
    I understand where you're coming from and i think you worded it brilliantly.
    I believe that one day you will write something beautiful too and maybe it will be the soundtrack to "my movie"
    ~ your fellow blogger
