Friday, March 01, 2013


I havent written in a while. And I should because I have made two major changes to my life.
The first seems silly but i bought an iPhone. And everything is suddenly better. I have internet when im out, i can actually receive msgs and not have to worry about a bloody full inbox. I can play games, listen to music. EVERYTHING. I also love instagram. I am so in love with it that i'm sure people are sick of seeing pictures of my dog.
Change #2: I joined the gym. I've decided after doing a month trial that i need to join the gym. I have never been to motivated to exercise in my life. I love it. I feel so good walking out of there after a class or good workout.
Change#3: I know i said two changes, but i didn't make the third, but it still affects me. Dads partners son (I shall call him A, as I want to keep with tradition of not using names) and his girlfriend (R) moved into dads place last weekend. I has been so fun having them there, and i hate to do it but i will like it to having a new puppy. I like going to dads. R and A are both chefs and make amazing food. A has an obsession with anything western and weaponary. He has a bow and arrow, large knives, a whip, and has swapped the suction cups on his nurf gun bullets for pins. If he wasnt such a livey character i would be a tad anxious. R is just lovely. We stayed up late just talking the other night and convincing everyone to play cards with us. They dont just keep to themselves in their room behind the garage, they interact with everyone like a normal family. I am happy that they chose to move in.

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