Sunday, May 05, 2013

Grown Up

I don't vent publicly via Facebook, I vent on here but sometimes I really wish I did because this doesn't get the same traffic that Facebook does and this has seriously pissed me off.

So apparently I'm a 5 year old that does things just because my best friend tells me too.

We're close guys but we're still our own separate person, we make our own separate decisions. Just because I tell her everything doesn't mean she makes my decisions for me.
I'm a grown up, I do things because I want to.

So, you know, that's upsetting - an undisclosed number of my friends think that I broke up with the boyfriend because my best friend told me to. That's a quite upsetting really and I am I think perfectly right in being a bit pissed off but whatever, they're entitled to their opinion and if they'd rather jump to ridiculous conclusions than say, you know asking me about it then that's their own fucking problem. I will bitch to my best friend because she is my best friend and that's what I do.

I don't think it's fair that one of you then decides to send me a text yelling at me about how she yelled at you. Why is it my fault? She's a grown up too, she makes her own fucking decisions also. Did I tell her what happened? Yes. I was upset and pissed off, why does it surprise you I told my best friend about it? That's what she's there for. Whatever she did with that information is up to her. If she decided to text you and yell at you about it then you should yell back at her. Not at me. Despite the fact that you said something hurtful about me I put it aside and moved on with my life because I'm you know A GROWN UP.

You know what the most hurtful thing is? That you've insulted my independence and my intelligence - essentially everything I pride myself on. That you think I am not my own person. That you think I am not independent enough to make my own decisions. That you think I am so immature and childish that I cannot think for myself and make my own decisions.

Yep, thanks guys.

I don't know who it is that said this but someone did and I'm not really mad at them I'm just upset that anyone would think that about me.

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