Thursday, May 30, 2013

Decisions decisions decisions

Since when am I that person?
Why am I "advice girl"? Maybe I'm being presumptuous, maybe everyone asks all their friends for advice and I just have a lot of friends therefore I have a lot of advice asked of me. 
However I have little to no experience in the way of the boy so...probably not the best option for boy related advice. 
That's not to say I don't like/appreciate being asked advice. It gives me the warm and fuzzies because it means this person trusts me and values my opinion enough to talk to me about something that's important to them.

In all honesty though, I think you already know what you're going to do when you ask for advice, you're just after validation and if you don't get the response you want you keep asking people until you do.

Ultimately, no one makes your decisions but you. Sure, others may contribute but only so much as you allow their opinions to influence you.

People often ask my opinion and while I do give it I either preface or end it with "but it's your choice." It is. I make my decisions by myself, sure I ask my friends for their advice and they give it but deep down you always know what you're going to do, or at least what you should do. 

Besides, there are no wrong choices in life just mistakes to be fixed.


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