Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fate? Family?

So I just met for the first time (I think) my cousin (second? Third? [Insert number here] removed? Whatever, we’re Italian, everyone’s a cousin). And she sent me the link to her blog and I just…I love her. Her blog is just like all the things I like, random, inspirational quotes and images, lots of shirtless guys, Taylor Swift, Rainbows, the beach, the Eiffel Tower, cookies, Zac Efron and Channing Tatumn (both shirtless half the time), army pictures (they’re American but what of it?), dream catchers, flowers, slightly a little too much One Direction for my taste but whatever. 

I’ve only got one thing to say to her, you forgot Mitch Hewer, he is hot, he’s beautiful, he’s English. Get your Google on, or watch Season 1 and 2 of Skins UK (actually Google THEN watch Skins). I would recommend you watch Skins just for Mitch Hewer and not just because he’s absolutely gorgeous but because he is absolutely beautiful.

And she had a picture of a fucking husky puppy, I’m kind of wondering if we’re in the process of some life changing moment where we discover that we’re like some sort of long lost twin-cousins. I mean I get that we’re related, distantly, somehow, but we seem freakishly alike, and I mean, is that genetics? Am I genetically engineered to like certain things and she just happens to be genetically engineered to like the same things too? 

I don’t want to get ahead of myself (and perhaps this’ll be awks if she actually reads this…) but I seriously think there’s something going on here, some twist of fate brought her into my parent’s pet shop when I was working with her grandfather (my great-uncle) and now we’re gonna be BFFs, I can just feel it. Or at least I hope so… Seriously though, in my head we’re already having Gossip Girl marathons with a tub of ice cream and cookies. 

Anyway, check out her blog if for no other reason than it's pretty. 

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