Friday, May 16, 2014

Coffee Coffee Coffee!

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with coffee. I love the smell of it, I spend more time sniffing my coffee cup than I do actually drinking form it.

Part of the love stems from the smell, and part of it comes from it being a part of my family life (my entire family have fully fledged mini-cafe style coffee machines in our houses), uni life and Gilmore Girls.

But I'm also afraid of getting addicted to caffeine (like my dad is and my ex-boyfriend is) so I try not to drink it too much. It's the same reason why I'm so adverse to even trying cigarettes or weed or any other kind of drugs. I have an addicted personality, or at least my obsessions with [insert TV Show/Actor/Band/Book here] are any indication.

It makes me sad a little bit because good coffee can be amazing and I'm at least half-positive it's just the warmth and the smell rather than the caffeine itself that brightens my day some mornings.

Is denying myself a simple pleasure that may or may not become a problem should I become coffee-less (which is an unlikely situation in this day and age, lets be honest) really worth it? We all have our vices after all.

It's the same reason why I'm so adverse to even trying smoking or weed or any other kind of drugs. I have an addicted personality, or at least my obsessions with [insert TV Show/Actor/Band/Book here] are any indication.

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