Sunday, January 26, 2014

"Single" doesn't mean "forever alone"

I have been thinking a lot about the last post written. What is the point of being in a relationship just for the sake of it? I mean what is the point being with someone who you know will only be short term? It is  exactly what happens in high school. People date for the sake of dating. Having a boyfriend is not the be all and end all of the world. In fact good on Zo for sticking to her standards. Even if her dream man is a nice french/italian/sex-god who respects her slightly feminist nature and her love for english male pop groups, she is happy being who she is until the right french/italian/sex-god comes along, rather than dying her hair a bleach blond, wearing less material than she did when she was 5, getting tipsy off cruisers and hitting the town every friday night, hooking up with a guy who thinks he is much more attractive than he really is, sleeping with him, then deluding herself that there were "sparks of love" between them and that they will be together forever! 
It is funny how these days being a young adult and having your virginity seems to make people more embarrassed, where as back a hundred years just kissing a man would make a woman the talk of the town. I know that loosing your virginity isn't a big deal, but that doesn't mean you need to get rid of it like it's the taxman in a game of billionaire.
I am saying this as someone who is in a relationship, so maybe I don't understand what it feels like to be "alone," but I do know what it feels like to stay with someone just because, and it is nothing compared to how I feel now. If someone is comfortable being single, let them be. It is not abnormal, it is better than being with someone for no reason other than a meaningless trend, and risk loosing a valuable friend when is eventually sizzles out and dies. Not that love is a "trend" or anything, but a relationship with no meaning is like a pair of crocs: in the end you realise that they are a little lame and no matter how many of those little attachments you put in the holes, they will not become any more appealing.
If you are in love and happy with someone you don't need to rub it other peoples faces to make them jealous either. It's like winning the lottery and driving to a fancy restaurant and making your friend pay for the petrol. It's just rude. 

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