Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 15 – Bullet point your whole day.

I actually did something today which makes this far more exciting than it would've been so here goes:

- dad woke me up about 7:30 or, well my alarm had already woken me up but I was still in bed
- did my morning ritual of checking Facebook, my emails and One Direction (not even kidding I have my favourite 1D related tumblr which I check daily - I hate myself so much.)
- drove mum to work, drove myself to work.
- TURNED THE HEATER ON AT WORK. pretty much the most important part of my working day in winter.
- did work stuff at work
- got home, let the dogs in, showered, fluffed around on my laptop while I waited for Matthew to show up.
- caught up with Matt and ate dinner
- started watching the extended edition of Fellowship of the Ring
- Matt fell asleep
- kept watching Fellowship of the Ring
- Matt went home
- kept watching Fellowship of the Ring

And that pretty much brings me up to now.

BTW - whoo! Day 15! Half way!!

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