Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 10 - Favourites

Book: Apart from the obvious choice of Harry Potter, my favourite book is The Forest Wife Trilogy by Theresa Tomlinson. It's yet another take on the Robin Hood myth and it follows half a dozen characters through their lives from their first meetings to their deaths. I feel in love with 'Marion' and 'Robin' and it broke my heart how they could never be together. I first read this when I was 11 and it still makes me cry. The writing is a bit simple now, considering how much time I've spent with Shakespeare, Dickens and Austen but it's a beautiful story.

Movie: Either The Three Musketeers (1993 version) or The Lion King

TV Show: The one I can always go back to? The one that's always been there? That's Charmed.

Band/artist: Nickelback (note: NOT One Direction). I don't get the hating...again I wish hating in general didn't exist, but I like them. I like how they a) write their own music and b) can write songs like Far Away, If Everyone Cared, Lullaby, If Today was Your Last Day which are such beautiful songs with beautiful messages/video clips yet they can also write songs like Animals, S.E.X. Photograph and This Afternoon which are so...not. They're real though. I like that they write songs like Rockstar too and they just take the piss out of their lifestyles. I appreciate people that can do that.

Artist: I really like Da Vinci, I can't wait to see the Last Supper in person.

Colour: Aquamarine. I wear a lot of black but that's not a colour.

Number: Once upon a time it was, without a doubt, 42. Then it kind of variated between whatever my playing number was and now I've had so many...I like the number 8, let's go with that.

Season: I'm one of those people that, when it's summer I wish for winter and when it's winter I wish for summer. I think winter is probably my favourite because I love being able to wear coats and scarves and hats.

Actor/Actress: I'm going to take this slash as an 'and' not an 'or'. My favourite actor is Paul Wesley, he
plays Stefan in the Vampire Diaries...and I just think he does amazingly super awesome. My favourite actress is Holy Marie Combs who played Piper in Charmed just 'cause...I mean she ad-libbed a lot and she just made me fall in love with Piper.

Animal: Wolf - ever since White Fang...part of the reason why I want a Husky.

Name (boy and girl): William or Tristain for a boy (mind you I probably won't actually call my kid
this, I just like the names) and Isabella for a girl (even though it's been ruined for me by Twilight)

Food: Nonna's Lasagne. I don't know how she does it but it's incredible

Flower: Lotus Flower - they're pretty.

Author: After discounting the obvious and amazing J.K. Rowling I had my faith in fantasy restored by Brent Weeks in the Night Angel trilogy so I'd say him.

Teacher: Madame Lorenc. Without a doubt, elle était incroyable, she was incredible, the best teacher I have ever had and that there ever was in the history of the world, ever. If Madame wasn’t so outstandingly amazing this would’ve been a hard decision because I’ve had some amazing teachers, from kindergarten to VCE I’ve been lucky enough to have some seriously awesome teachers.

Comedian: This is a toss up between the only two comedians I actually know the name of – Will Anderson and Charlie Pickering. I think it’d be Charlie Pickering though ‘cause he’s on Your Gen and the 7PM Project (which isn’t actually called the 7PM Project anymore…) and I quite like those. Oh, wait – does Rove McManus count? ‘Cause he’d definitely be my favourite! He’s gorgeous AND funny.

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