Friday, August 31, 2012

Unclouded judgement.

Yes, I have a crush on a guy who's potentially going to hook up with another girl and yes, part of the reason why I don't like her and don't want him to is because I'm jealous. But I can also look at the situation objectively and say that he has changed, whether it's because of her or because of his friends I don't know but in my objective opinion, it's her. The opposite sex holds great power and I kind of wish my opinion would stop being discredited by the mere fact I want to get in his pants.
He's my friend too and he was my friend as well long before I started liking him and he will continue to be my friend too long after I'm done liking him so stop using "yeah but you're just jealous" as a rebuttal. Yes, I am, but that's not all I am. I'm also worried and concerned and upset and annoyed and also kind of pissed that no one sees the other stuff. My entire world does not revolve around a boy, I am not irrevocably in love with him, I just like him more than I do the rest of my male friends, I can still see the bigger picture.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I want him to be happy, regardless of whom it is that makes him so, I just don't think it's going to be with her.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Death row

So i've thought about this a little bit. I figured that I probably wouldn't be allowed to have my mother come and cook her quiche...but I also figured i would never be on death row. So i would have my mothers quiche, a nice juicy piece of steak,  hot chips, hash browns, my meme's beans and mayonnaise,  and a jug of lemon lime and bitters. For desert i would have an ice-cream cake and a bowl of fruits.
I've heard of a few weird orders looking through the net. The weirdest would have to be a single unpitted olive on a large ceramic plate....

Day 18 - What Would Your Last Meal Be If You Were On Death Row?

First of all, I just want to start off by saying I don't even plan to be on death considering that would require me a) committing a crime bad enough to warrant death and b) committing said bad crime outside of Australia and in a country without extradition laws.

However if I were to be in this hypothetical situation I would want them to bring my presumably very old by this point (or potentially dead) Nonna to their kitchen to make me lasagna.
That's basically what I ask for at christmas and birthdays nowadays: Nonna's lasagna, I know she won't be around forever and no one makes lasagna like her so I want to make the most of it while I can.

Day 17 Least favs

Comedian; Akmal Saleh, he was on thank god you're here a few times, he's not too bad but just a lil overated in my opinion.

Teacher: I didn't like my math teacher very much, he always liked to tell us that  boys were better at math. My friend Joy was one of the best in the class. Maybe he hasn't realised that he may have gotten his phd in mathmatics but all he has ended up doing with his life is getting a shitty teaching job in a semi private school, and the depth of grey in his hair probably reminds himself every day that he probably wont do anything else with his life. So yeah he was quite chauvinistic. But i had a really bad teacher in molec last semester. He could not speak clear english let alone teach. I got this horrible mark on my exam and i went to see him and he just riled me up. The marking scheme he had for a test was horrible. The answers i gave for a few questions that were correct but didn't have the key word he had on his marking scheme. And when I tried telling him what i thought he pretty much told me that if he changed the marking scheme he would have to remark all the papers and he wasn't going to do that just because a few students complained. I really wanted to punch him in the face because i knew that if i submitted for my work to be remarked the same marking scheme would be used. Anyway i really felt that his poor teaching affected everyones learning in the end, and he couldn't admit to himself that he was the problem. He said to us once in the only lecture i went to that people mustn't be coming to the lectures because of the bad weather.

Author and book; DW I'm not going to vent about this one, it was called the last vampire by christopher pike. worst book ever, not even worth the $5 i payed for it. it was a series and my friend had read it and told me what happened in the end, and it was stupid, kind of like "but it was just a dream, he wasnt dead" It was worse than twilight.

Flower; i agree with zoe, you cant choose. Though i do like the fly trap, its a plant not a flower, but yeah pretty fascinating biologically speaking.

Food; peas are pretty bad. Don't really like mushrooms either, I hate the look, taste and texture.

Names; Don't call your kid gaylord, paris, or anything novelty. I could just name off half the kids a school that i look after that give me the shits.

Actor/actress; have to agree on adam sandler. he gets money for playing the same character in every movie. i wouldnt pay to see any movie of his for a while. I liked 50 first dates, and happy gilmore, but now im out of that phase where i would laugh at anything stupid.

Season; I hate winter, i wish my birthday was in summer rather than winter.

Animal; The only reason the sloth is still alive is because no animal wants the disgusting job of killing them. No joke, they smell and are filthy. And slow. Giant insects also creep me out a little.

Number; 5

Colour; aqua

Artist; i have none to tell you the truth, arts not really a thing that people can get famous for without skill.

Band/artist; Nickleback? nah i hate the likes of Kesha and JT. But zoes fav band nickleback will prob fall close to my least favourite

TV; Get rid of farmer wants a wife. I hate shows that make a game out of love.

Movie; there are heaps of shocking movies out there. Duncan tried o get me to watch this one movie, lost in translation. It had all these awards and was set in japan. and i finally got araound to watching it and i hated it. was sooo bored.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Infinite Money

We all spend a little time thinking about what we would do if we had a lot of money.
I feel that I should say that i would donate money to charity. Who wouldn't say that? But i have to say that i would probably get myself involved in something. There are many programs that i have been interested in that involve community and conservation based work in africa or asia, but haven't  had the money to do.
I would spread the money through family of course. I don't think i would buy a new car, though mum would say i needed to get a safer car. When i say safer i don't mean that i am driving a ticking time bomb, what i am saying that my mum would probably make me buy the safest car out there because she is a lil paranoid. I like my car. She is good, reliable etc.
I would rent a place near uni so i wouldn't have to drive everyday in peak hour. I would buy a grand piano. I would pay for my band to record music in a good studio. I would buy new instruments, update the gear we have. I would go on that adventure i was talking about. I think people say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy you things that make you happy. If i have money i would never download anything illegal. I would buy all the music and movies that i wanted. I would be able to buy people presents and dinner! See, money can buy happiness! I think the key issue about money is how much you sacrifice to get it. Would you sacrifice your relationships to have it, or once you had it would it change your lifestyle and effect the way people see you and treat you. I probably wouldn't tell my friends i had money or how much money if i won the tatts or something. I would just live my life more freely.

Day 17 - Least Favourites

Book: Oh God, Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey? Do they even count as books? No? Okay then my least favourite book is Fahrenheit 451 that I had to read in year 10. I just...hated it, it was difficult to read and weird and boring. Don't read it - that's my advice.

Movie: also Twilight? I'm probably gonna cop some hate for this but I've never been a big fan of Toy Story, I don't hate it but it's definitely not up the good end of the scale. I also hate the muppets. *dodges rotten tomatoes*

TV Show: The Simpsons - I just think it's stupid.

Band/artist: Rhianna. I just...don't like her.

Artist: From my limited knowledge of artists I choose...Picasso.

Colour: Orange. I hate orange.

Number: 7 or 3 or 9. I don't like odd numbers. Or the number 6.

Season: Autumn I guess...even though it's my birthday. It's just kind of a meh season.

Actor/Actress: Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston. I don't think he's funny and I don't get all the hype around her. I'm definitely Team Angelina.

Animal: I'm definitely not pro-spider.

Name (boy and girl): I don't like the weird names like Jet or Harlow.

Food: Peas.

Flower: How can you hate a flower? Come on. Venus Fly Trap I guess...just 'cause they're kinda scary...

Author: Stephanie Meyer. She has to legitimately show up on this list at least once.

Teacher: SECS a.k.a Stupid Evil Communist Sub. He wasnt actually a communist (as far as I know) we were just studying communism when we had him. He sucked. And he didn't like me.

Comedian: I dont think I even know enough comedians to not like one. Adam Sandler again? Is he even a comedian? I don't know. He is now.

Day 15 Bullet Your Day

So I have been very behind on these posts...I am listing what i did on monday on wednesday. So on monday...

- I woke up to my alarm at 7 and went back to justify my alarm i kept falling asleep trying to study for a test the night before so decided to give up and get up early to do it.
- I gave up to my alarm and woke up properly...
- I sat in bed for a bit and studied for the test i had that day. I had only gone through half the content until that point having only been to one lecture since the last test....
-Had a shower and washed my hair
-Got a bit of a scare because i didn't realise dad didn't go to work
-Did a bit more study outside drinking a fruit smoothie dad made me
-Went to uni early to revise for the test with my mate Duncan, or as i called him that day duncan't which made me sound like i was calling him a dumb c***....
-Saw Sheldon while studying. He was wearing a tshirt for once rather than wearing a singlet. I really get annoyed when he does that because i think he's just trying to show of his broad tanned shoulders but only make me cringe at his underarm hair. We talked about his hair on his hear which is long, and always tied back. We ended up watching a video; the ACA this point we gave up on studying...
- Went to vertabrate anatomy lecture and i didnt really listen, flicked through a few notes.
-Went to the test and I think did better than I thought i would having not done much study...
- Left and went back home
-Had an argument about what i was eating for lunch with dad
-Ate a sausage roll for lunch
-Went to work
- At work i looked after the kids, put the same ones in timeout as usual, prepared and served the afternoon snack which was wraps. They tasted pretty good...i want wraps now!
-I would usually go to band practice but we decided to skip this one because we had a gig on the weekend and i had an assignment to do.
-Got home and was pretty tired. At pasta bake for dinner which was really good.
-Played on Mums iPad for a bit and watched a bit of tv
-Got round to watching a bit of tv. Watched a can of worms and Modern Family
- Started working on my presentation for genetics on a paper about salamanders.
- Sat around playing solitaire before deciding it was a good idea to go to bed

That was a boring day

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 16 - What Would You Buy If You Had Infinite Money?

You mean apart from Harry Styles, right?

Um, I'd be all boring and practical - a house, pay off my Uni debt, a new car (or two), pay off my parents mortgage, I'd probably give them a large hunk, I'd donate some to charity, buy a couple of houses/apartment in Europe. Then I think i'd go on world wide holiday, travelling the US, going back to disneyland, Europe, visiting every country, a few stops in Asia before travelling Australia.

I'd buy a lot of books too, I've always wanted a house with a library.

Dear Ed Sheeran, Welcome to the Hall of Epic

I’ve been in a strange mood lately and I’ve had a single playlist of 21 songs on repeat for 2 weeks straight, racking up a good 15 goes through which, considering I only listen to music when I’m in the car or walking around Uni, is pretty good.
This playlist consists of all of my Ed Sheeran, James Morrison, Gavin DeGraw, two One Direction songs and one from Jimmy Eat World.

1. Drunk – Ed Sheeran
2. U.N.I. – Ed Sheeran
3. Grade 8 – Ed Sheeran
4. Wake Me Up – Ed Sheeran
5. Small Bump – Ed Sheeran
6. This – Ed Sheeran
7. The City – Ed Sheeran
8. Lego House – Ed Sheeran
9. You Need Me, I Don’t Need You – Ed Sheeran
10. Kiss Me – Ed Sheeran
11. Give Me Love – Ed Sheeran
12. Chariot – Gavin DeGraw
13. Not Over You – Gavin DeGraw
14. I’m In Love With a Girl – Gavin DeGraw
15. I Don’t Wanna Be – Gavin DeGraw
16. I Won’t Let You Go – James Morrison
17. You Give Me Something  - James Morrison
18. Broken Strings – James Morrison (ft. Nelly Furtado)
19. Hear You Me – Jimmy Eat World
20. Moments – One Direction
21. More Than This (live) – One Direction

I can’t explain why I love this single playlist so much, I’m just in love with Ed Sheeran’s song writing (hence why 1D is in there, he wrote Moments, as for More Than This – I just love the live version). Small Bump, Give Me Love, Kiss Me, This – they’re all just…awesome. I can’t explain my feelings for Ed Sheeran’s amazingness. Give him a listen guys, he’s beautiful.
He’s more than just lovey-dovey depresso crap too though, he’s kind of…satirical too when in Give Me Love there’s the line “The say I’m up and coming like I’m fucking in an elevator.”
Admittedly, he threw me in Wake Me Up when he starts going on about how he’s never owned a Blu-Ray but apart from that he’s kind of…epic. And you all should know that, despite overusing that word, in its true sense I only reserve 'Epic' for a select few and I think Ed Sheeran is one of them. Welcome to the hall of Epic.

I Won’t Let You Go is one of mine and BFFL’s songs and every time I listen I think of her and how we sung it loudly (and badly) in the car on our last “roadtrip.” James Morrison has a beautiful voice and lyrics as well.

And Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World is possibly the single most heart breaking song ever, “a song for a heart so big//God couldn’t let it live.”

Monday, August 27, 2012

The end of an era

So this is gonna be a little hard to explain I think but you know (or at least should by now) that I play basketball and that's kind of the important part.

I play on Sundays in a domestic team with a bunch of girls I've known/played with (in some form or another) for years. We don't train, don't have a coach and we kick butt (like seriously, a 20pt win is an embaradsingly small margin for us). It's just for fun and a whole lot of laughter.

I also played on Friday nights which was a bit more serious. We were in the top division and despite having a horrific season we ended up 7th which, as my coach pointed out made us the 7th best team in the state which is kinda cool, we made the top 10 at least. Anyway, this was my last season, I'm too old now to play juniors so I'm left with the dilemma of "what am I going to do now?" I have no idea if I'll continue playing at this higher level, basketball is most definitely still in my future but for's the end. It doesn't quite feel like it yet hasn't really sunk in because it just feels like the end of last season, where I knew I'd be back in a few months for tryouts and pre-season training and the like.

Today I read this article on the Big V website (which is basically the level above what I was playing this year) about how once the season's ended you feel lost for a little while before you get back into the swing of normal social encounters again. And it is so freaking true. I didn't notice so much when I was younger (having less of a social life centred around Friday and Saturday nights) but now, facing a future without the prospect of Friday night basketball or Sunday trainings...I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do now. Go out on Friday and Saturday nights? Drink?
Friday nights without basketball? Sundays without training? They're foreign concepts to me. I'll be like a normal person again!
I know I'll miss it though, I already do. I have no idea what I'll be doing next year but I hope I'll still get to see the girls because, after all, they're the most important part.

Day 15 – Bullet point your whole day.

I actually did something today which makes this far more exciting than it would've been so here goes:

- dad woke me up about 7:30 or, well my alarm had already woken me up but I was still in bed
- did my morning ritual of checking Facebook, my emails and One Direction (not even kidding I have my favourite 1D related tumblr which I check daily - I hate myself so much.)
- drove mum to work, drove myself to work.
- TURNED THE HEATER ON AT WORK. pretty much the most important part of my working day in winter.
- did work stuff at work
- got home, let the dogs in, showered, fluffed around on my laptop while I waited for Matthew to show up.
- caught up with Matt and ate dinner
- started watching the extended edition of Fellowship of the Ring
- Matt fell asleep
- kept watching Fellowship of the Ring
- Matt went home
- kept watching Fellowship of the Ring

And that pretty much brings me up to now.

BTW - whoo! Day 15! Half way!!

First Boyfriend naww

So yesterday I fell asleep multiple times trying to study for the test i had today, and i have an assignment due tomorrow so this will be written very quickly so hopefully it will be readable.

So many of my friends had boyfriends before i did, so of course i felt a little left out, but looking back at it i was still very young and naive like we all were. But there is a first for everything, and i kinda like this story. So we were on this camp called outward bound, which was pretty much 9 days of roughin it in the bush where the closest thing to a shower was a water activity in the river. So romantic huh? Haha but most of the people in my group were friends and most the ones who weren't became my friends. Anyway one of the people i didn't know was Taylor. Tall, blonde humorous. We talked a bit while we were all sweating though the bush in the summer heat and i enjoyed talking to him because he was funny and distracted me from the boredom and pain of exercise and we were able to have a conversation of what food we would eat when we got home. Anyway so the last day came and we were at a resting point and there was a secret going around that Taylor liked someone. I swear guys are as bid a gossips as girls are. So no one told me who and I thought he liked my friend Emma. But i think eventually I got the gist of what was going on. But before any talking could be done we had an activity.   So the group instructors paired us up and sent us up the path in pairs that they thought weren't friends, as though forcing us to spend 9 days together in the heat of the bush wasn't enough of a social experiment. And guess who i got paired with? Taylor of course. It was the most ridiculous coincidence, like Bella swan who just happens to be paired in biology with the mysterious guy who looked at her funny at lunch. Got a few giggles from everyone remaining to be paired up.
Anyway so we walked together and we talked about family and interests etc and then he asked me out. I was so embarrassed/nervous that i had to take some time and answer him later. Of course i ended up saying yes but now i look back i feel bad about it because he had to wait, but it would have been horrible if i said yes just because of peer pressure. We only dated for a few weeks, but we were young and didn't know each other. We have had a bit of history together and i would have to say i have been a bit of a bitch, and i still feel bad about it, but im not going to ruin the cute story by talking about it here. We are still friends and I'm glad it was him who was my first.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 14 - How the First Boyfriend Asked You Out

'Au début j’ai commencé d’écrire ce post en français, pour deuz raisons
1) je ne parle souvent le français et je voulais pratiquer
2) j’étais dans une lecture de couture italienne et je ne voulais pas d’autres lire ce que j’ai ecrit.
Chaque foie que je pense de mon ‘ex’ petit copain, je pense de la chanson laquelle va “A long time ago, we used to be friends, but I haven’t thought of you lately at all” pour la premier part, c’est vrai. D’autre fois, nous étions les meilleurs des amis, quant à la deuxième partie…en réalité, malheureusement, je lui pense assez souvent. Cependant, il était mon premier ‘amour’ et le seul petit copain de ma vie (pour le moment) alors a mon avis, c’est d’accord que je lui pense.
Donc « comment est-ce que mon premier petit copain me demande de sortir avec lui ? »
D’accord, il était un de mes meilleurs amis alors nous...'

To start with, (as you can see above) I originally wrote this post in French – for two reasons
1) I dont often speak French and I wanted to practice
2) I was in my italian culture lecture and I didnt want anyone to read what I was writing.

Each time i think about my ex-boyfriend, i think of the song which goes "A long time ago, we used to be friends but I havent thought of you lately at all" for the first part, it is resoundingly true. Once upon a time, we were best friends. As for the second part…in reality, unfortunately, I think of him quite often. However, he was my first "love" and the only boyfriend I’ve ever had (so far) so I think it’s okay that I think of him from time to time.
Okay, "how did my first boyfriend ask me out ?" Just BTW - why do you assume HE asked ME? It could've been a Sadie Hawkins Dance type thing.

Anyway, he was one of my best friends so we used to talk all the time - MSN(remember MSN everyone? - awww the good old days!), texting, calling sometimes even, you name it. Anyway one night after months and months of OTT flirting and "are you guys going out yet"s my best friend nudged me into asking him out. However, in my subtle I-dont-want-to-be-too-out-there-in-case-he-says-no (which there was like zero chance of anyway) way, the meaning of my curveball of an ask-out went straight over his head because, bless him, but he wasn't always the brightest spark when it came to stuff like that so a few minutes later he asked me out instead and hey presto! Zoe got herself her first boyfriend. 
We had 4ish lovely months together before the fighting started in earnest and we spent the next 2 months having a Katy Perry-esque time of fighting and breaking up, kissing and making up until he got a new girlfriend and pretty much broke my poor 13 year old heart.

The End.

P.S. it was at 8:13pm on Monday 20th February 2006.
And it's not creepy I know the exact time because MSN used to time stamp everything for you! However it is probably creepy I still remember all that...but it's the only anniversary I've ever had to remember so...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Stupidly bugged...

This is stupid, and I know it shouldn't bug me but maybe it's the person in question doing the bugging not so much the situation.
Anyway, I went out last Saturday night for my friends birthday. We went to this bar in the city so I dressed nice, as you do when you're heading out, and I put on some make up.
So we're out, chilling having a great old time and one of my friends goes: "Hey, you're wearing make up!" with this shocked look on his face. And I'm just kinda like...yeah, I'm wearing a skirt too, what's your point?
Just because I don't wear makeup (or a skirt/dress) every day doesn't mean I dont know how to and won't ever.
What's the big deal anyway? Girls wear make up all the time.
 Argh. Stupid.
It just bugs me when people make a big deal out of it.
I mean, for what it's worth he told me I looked nice but that's kind of the reason why I don't wear make up - I shouldn't have to in order to look good.

The last list!

Last Movie:
The Hunger Games I am proud to say. I love the movie because it is such an amazing adaptation to the book. Yes there are bits in it where you go "but that didn't happen" but you know it would be too much effort to but in the backstory to keep it there. Katniss got bread not a riot from District 11, but in a way I really prefer it that way because it really gets to the heart of the theme of the movie. It would have been to hard too turn the bodies of the dead contestants into muts. The direction choices in some areas were perfect. The movie could have easily turned the Hunger Games into a sport. In the first few seconds of the games there is just silence during the violence. The movie does not celebrate the hunger games or glorify them. Its not meant to be action like a cops and robbers film, there are kids killing kids and you want Katniss to move and get out of there. I could go on forever about the movie but I wont... I'll just say to watch it if you can, because it's not about kids killing kids, but inequality, ignorance, and power in the wrong hands.

Last Book:
I think the last book i finished was 50 shades of grey, but I am not going to count that because a) It was an ebook, hence not a book, b) Poorly written porn, hence not a book, c) I only read it last because i stopped reading it to read the Black magician Trilogy, so I will talk about that. Zoe lent be the last two books in the series. They were quite good. I had a different take on it because I had read another book that was kind of a prequel to the series, based hundreds of years earlier. I did get annoyed at one point and skip the next three lines if you don't want a spoiler. I really liked this one guy that the main character fell for. Then she started to ignore him so not to put him in danger from this guy that was holding her captive pretty much. Then she found out the dangerous guy wasn't dangerous and fell for him. And just after I got used to the good dangerous guy and started to like him he dies.
But other than that it was a pretty good story.

The last person I spoke to other than my mother telling me to get something out of the dogs mouth would be Jess, the drummer in my band. She has a new puppy called Harley, and he puts my dog to shame. She is training him and he is going sooo well. It kind of helps that he has practically imprinted on her, but she has taken him to a lot of classes and is really dedicated. She is such a fun person to be around and talk to. She is the photographer and always on instagram. She is a fast driver, absolutely in love with City and Colour and always tired from work and uni but still lets us in her house twice a week for band practice. Who's that girl...its JESS!

Day 13 - Lasts...

Last movie I watched: Magic Mike - which for what it was intended as, a movie in which women can perve on hot men, was really really good. If you were after plot or acting skill, you came to the wrong movie...

Last book I read: the last book ip actually finished is, I'm sad to say, 50 Shades of Grey but considering that can't REALLY be classified as actual literature, the last book I read was The Golden Lily by Richelle Meade. It's the second book in the Vampire Academy spin off series and I just love it. There's one character who, in VA I wasn't super keen on, I mean I liked him but he wasn't my favourite but now I'm in love with home because he's just so unbelievably gorgeous. The Vampire Academy books are kinda trashy but they're written relatively well (compared to the likes of 50 Shades and Twilight) and they're fun and simple to escape into which, after all, is the point of books.

Last person I spoke to: well I just called mum so I guess it's her...but two seconds ago I just got a text from my best friend and texting is communication so I guess it depends on your definition of "spoke" if you want th last person I actually saw in person and spoke to that'd be Tash at basketball a few hours ago.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Day 12 My Ultimate Journey

I have often thought about where i would go if I had money. I can't just think of one place. I would have to do a trip around the world. In Europe I would go to Belgium to visit my relatives. I would go to london and paris, Scotland, Italy...I just want to see relatives, experience cultures. I would love to live in one place for a little while and live within the community rather than just visit. I did this in Japan and even though it was only for two weeks it was an amazing experience I knew I would never get if I had just swept through the cities and tourist sites. It is the most beautiful place I have been to. I know we say our country has some of the most beautiful landscapes but in Japan we are talking a different colour scheme. They celebrate their environment with season festivals, temples and shrines that fit into the landscape. I want to go back and explore. I want to spend months there and learn the language and visit the famous cities, and stay with my host family, track down Misaki who went to my school on exchange for a year.
I want to go to Africa of course and do a Safari. As a biology student I find it fascinating. The last of the  megafauna... I would love to join a conservation project.
While I'm on the subject of fauna I really want to visit the Amazon. The density of wildlife intrigues me and I want to see it for myself. I also want to go whitewater rafting again because It was to much fun in bali.
Lastly North America. I mostly want to see what all the hype is about, but I want to see the New York art scene, and go through the musicals, Vegas, and theme parks of course. I want to visit Kentucky where one of my closest friends lived for 3 years. I want to see what her life was like. She talks about it all the time and of course I want to see it for myself.
I would love to take the trip with friends, meeting different people in different cities. I don't want to plan everything, because sometimes the best things and the spontaneous ones.

Day 12 - Favourite Holiday Trip.


Europe actually, like just as a whole.
London, Paris, Dublin, Edinburg, Berlin, Amsterdam, Zurich, Milan, Florence, Venice, Rome, Vienna, Prague, Barcelona etc.

I cannot wait to finally make my way to Europe to explore...all I need now is a buddy.
I can't wait to sit in a cafe in London and Dublin and just hear the people talk...and in heaven. I can't wait to see the old things, castles, buildings, tourist attractions from forever ago. I can't wait to find my future husband overseas somewhere.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 11 - Favourite Holiday Destination


Partly 'cause it's, you know, Paris and the most exciting place I've ever been in my life (even trumping Disneyland) and because I'm in love with all things France and also partly because, despite the rubbish and poverty abounding, it's a beautiful city - le tour Eiffel, Sacre Coeur, Notre Dame, Versailles, the street artists. I also love croissants and baguettes and the fashion - I'm the last thing you'd call a fashionista but I LOVE the sophistication and class of European fashion and that is what Paris personifies for me. 

I wouldn't ever live there, at least not permanently (I'm Aussie born and bred, I love this country and the countryside in particular, I could never become a city girl anywhere, but I'd undoubtedly go back.

Day 11 Holidays

I have to say that i really enjoyed Queensland. I loved the theme parks and spending hours swimming and shopping. But my favourite holiday destination would have to have been Lakes Entrance. We used to go there every summer. We would stay in a caravan park in my grandparents caravan for two weeks. It was close to the mainstream, across the road from the lake, near a park, near the beach. There was a pool, plenty of kids to play with and never a plain moment. My grandparents did day trips to visit us with the boat and we would go fishing and play cards. There is 3 mini golf places, put put boats and walking tracks. Every year you would see the same people in the park. Kids would play together, and parents would stay up late and play games and drink booze. By the end we would return tanned as ever.
We haven't been back there for many years and I would love to go back there again one day. It would be great to go there in February just after school goes back with friends. We could camp or stay in a cabin and  take advantage of the last days of summer break. Everything there is pretty much within walking distance and there are so many things to do and not too expensive.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Favourites day 10

Comedian (this is a bit of a long one sorry):

It would have to be a draw between Australian comedy duo Lano and Woodley (now no longer together L ) and Ricky Gervais. SO for this i will pick the duo to talk about. I’ve seen most of their material and quote them all the time.
Lano (colin lane) and Woodley (Frank Woodley) had personas that my friend and I quote all the time, Lano was the bossy ignorant character and Woodley was the clumsy goofball. They had a tv program and a few stage shows and I wish I could have seen them live before they parted ways. Their routines weren’t offensive in any way, more mr bean skit funny. Like most people would say, Woodley was my favourite. I saw Frank Woodley live a year ago and although he was great I’d have to say that what made Woodley so fun to watch was having Lano there to compliment him.

Here’s a few quotes:

Col: You’re so dumb… you’re such an idiot… you’re!
Frank: um...I don’t think you know what that word means...
Col: I do know what it means, and you’re just jealous... because im so much better, because im so great, because im so, so...superfluous!!

Col- Hi we’re looking for a scary video
Video Guy- What about Silence Of The Lambs?
Col- Nah we’re not really into nature films

Frank: Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will only cause permanent psychological damage

Frank: Come on, Col! You’re making a mountain out of a... very big

Colin: If all the village idiots, from all the villages, left their
  villages, and made their own village, of idiots. In that village,
  you would be the village idiot.

C: [into the phone] …yeah, look uh I’m wanting to get an extra key cut for her so she can let herself in? … Yeah I can’t come down at the moment so this is what the key looks like…it goes along a bit, then down, then across, then down, then along, then up and down, then along, and up down, across, up, down and then to a point.

C: You stole my imaginary girlfriend! 
F: Well I don’t know Col, maybe next time you make somebody up, you should make up somebody…who likes you.

The only other band who i have loved as much as Metric is Florence and the Machine. Every song ticks boxes, not just the single. I love noise and any music i can listen to loudly and pick out different sounds every time i hear them wins a tick of approval. I've seen them both live and they are amazing. Being different types of music i can't really pick, But at the moment I'm in a Metric phase.

I have had so many good teachers over the years. My Japanese teacher was so much fun and we could talk to her about anything. My visual arts teacher put a lot of hours into helping us complete our folios and brought us food... but as a Uni student a lot of my respect has to go to my physiology Lecturer Jan. She really cares about us doing well and she is always looking for ways to improve the quality of learning. She comes along to our practical sessions and makes sure that we aren't lost, asks questions and challenges our thinking. This semester she threw away the old method of learning. Rather than having proper lectures in the lecture slots she edits last years lectures and puts them online and turns the lecture into a class where we can ask questions and she can discuss topics we are having trouble with, and works through questions with us that we can apply our knowledge to. Since most people only watch lectures online and 1/3 turn up to lectures anyway its a really great idea. She puts up worksheets online...anything that will help us. She doesn't force us to do anything, the only compulsory thing being pracs. Whenever we have a bad lecturer we just quote "if only jan taught this unit."

 I don't have a favourite colour. I just like colours mixed together and textures, like eyes. Black can be a colour. You have different types of blacks, blue based, red based... 

24 maybe. I just don't like the number 5...unless of course it ends with a few 0s on the end and it's written on my bank statement....

Summer hands down. I hate the cold, I love the beach, Spring=hayfever Autumn=getting cold/reminder that winters about to take over. Summer=perfect

I love the old names, Leonardo and names like Jasmine and Rose, Summer, Winter. I mean i would never call my child Horatio or anything, though i joke that i would. 

I don't really have one. I like cherry blossoms and white Lilies.

Since taking a vertebrate anatomy subject this semester I think cheetahs take the lead on my favourite animal. The fastest animal. Their tail acts like a rudder allowing them to make sharp turns. Their scapula isn't attatched allowing them to extend their limbs further to extend their gait. They have a spine that undulates, a streamline body and a high success rate when hunting. They have a smaller gene pool because of inbreeding at a time they came close to extinction....and of course they are pretty cute.

Isobelle Carmody. Her imagination equals JK's and I love getting lost in her works.

My mothers quiche hands down. No one else's.  It takes a little while to make so it's a rare treat in my household. 

So hard to pick. I did love the Night Angel Books like Zoe did and i haven't read them for a while, and HP books were amazing, as was TWTWB. But I feel I have talked about those to much. I read a book called Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta a while ago that was very pretty, sad, happy. Take a look. I'm probably to old to reread it again and love it the same way.

I love Modern Family, Dexter and How I Met Your Mother. We have them on dvd and I watch every episode over and over. I understand the humour of MF, I love the suspense of Dexter and if you watch HIMYM in order its even better because there are so many on running jokes.

I am meant to choose one??? That is impossible. I have to say a list; Death at a Funeral, The Boat that Rocked, Inception, TWTWB, Juno. It's mostly english humor, amazing special effects or book-movie obsessions.

I really like Emma Watson. She's beautiful, she's smart, she's talented, she's english.

This was much easier than i thought it would be. Ron Mueck. Australian Hyper-Realist. From small sculptures to large. I just look at his work and say how? I saw his exhibition at the NGV I cant explain his wok so I'll just show you.
This looks lifelike but the women are actually the size of infants...the expressions on the faces are so realistic. There is the tone of flushed cheeks, the wrinkles, the pores in the skin...

No that isn't creative photographing...that is a giant woman under a giant doona.

Stubble, he even manages stubble. Best exhibition i have ever been to. Mueck is amazing.

day what now?

So the inevitable has happened...i misplaced the sheet the sheet with all the song titles on it and lets face it...i can't be bothered googling all the names. I think i left it at dads.... So i want to go through the songs Randomly and describe what i think of them and ZO can guess which one is which by my description/thoughts on each song...otherwise i'll just edit this post later...
I also want to post that the reason I gave Zoe the CD was to show her what "off the beaten track" was because she said the Alex day song was different. So there were 1 or 2 songs that I didn't like as much, including the "crow" one. I wish i could have remade it because i have this new fav song i wanted Zo to listen to. Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men.

This is a duet. In a way I love it because of the movie its in, but i know that if I heard this song for the first time now I wouldn't like it. 

There is something I love about a solo voice and a piano. I never really listen to the lyrics of songs, but the way they are phrased, the way the music builds up, the rhythm. So i'm reaching the end of the song and i have decided i like it. A little strings have been used to help build it up, but I like how it has stuck with the piano rather than drowning the voice with computerised noises.

There is an Organ standing out in the background of this track that is reminding me of Napoleon Dynomite. From the tart of this song i didn't really get into it. I find it hard to get into slow slongs with deep voices. But deffs seems like a strange song coming from Zoe.

I usually hate nature sounds on CD, but I love this track. There is piano all through it and i am just sitting here trying to predict whats next. Im also warm in bed so rain sounds good. The piano is happy but with a touch of sadness. It doesn't really go anywhere. It just is.

All i have to say is that all i think about when i hear the song is how this artist died, even though its a song about love. And i think about grade two production when it was based on the genre and i had to dance with a boy to rock around the clock.

One artist that zoe and i seem to share in common. I love her voice, her creative lyrics, the tone of her piano, the slight slur in her voice at times, the random high syllable. UH OH!

This song I have known for a while. This is a new version of the song for a new cause. I love that artists as famous as they are are selfless enough to do this. I dot think this attempt worked as well as the first just due to illegal downloading and the outdated tune. I like it though.

I must say i prefer this type of pop. A lot of pop is very sexualised these days. It's refreshing listening to a song that talks about wanting love, about wanting something other than pointless sex. I like the piano guitar, bass drum, synth music. I like it for pop.

I ont know what to say about this song. I've said i like this artist already. Its not my favourite of all hers, not as likable as laughing with god or blue lips, but pretty, epic soundtrack quality string section.

At the start of this song I wasnt sure if it was a guy or gal... I dont know if this is an acoustic song or not, but i just dont feel much of a build up in it. 

I know this artist immediately. I dont know why but his voice really annoys me, its husky/heavy and i dont think its needs to be. I cant take it seriously. Sorry zoe.

I've noticed that a lot of these songs have a similar male voice to them; the kind of voice you want to serenade you. I think this guy is the same guy who sang that song with the line "angels will fly" I liked that song. Im not sure if I like this song to much. I kind of expected more from it when i heard the start.

So the start was like an orchestra warming up, and then it comes to a bit of rock/pop and to tell you the truth i really wanted to hear the Orchestra. There is a funny synth sound in this song i like and I think i just heard a key change. Not many artists choose to do that these days so kudos.

Haha a bit of hiphop/rap. Zoe's equivalent of Hilltop hoods. I like it.

I know this song. I like the prechorus in this song. The chorus has a cheesy jingle to it that you can just see him smiling when he is singing it. It could almost be on glee, he has added a lot of harmonies that are really cute. And there is this fun break down with vocals and a floor tom.

This one is a cover. I really like this cover, and maybe more than the original. I am just sitting here singing along.... I can see why Zoe likes this song.

I've heard this song at every party that there was a handful of students that went on the French exchange trip.....Im sick of it to tell you the trip. Its never been a "classic" to me. But whenever its played i song along because its better than singing and listening to it....

The start of this song reminds me of a song from scott pilgrim for some reason. But no, its a duet cover, i like it, the people who sing it are so cute. Are they a couple or not? A nice last song.

Day 10 - Favourites

Book: Apart from the obvious choice of Harry Potter, my favourite book is The Forest Wife Trilogy by Theresa Tomlinson. It's yet another take on the Robin Hood myth and it follows half a dozen characters through their lives from their first meetings to their deaths. I feel in love with 'Marion' and 'Robin' and it broke my heart how they could never be together. I first read this when I was 11 and it still makes me cry. The writing is a bit simple now, considering how much time I've spent with Shakespeare, Dickens and Austen but it's a beautiful story.

Movie: Either The Three Musketeers (1993 version) or The Lion King

TV Show: The one I can always go back to? The one that's always been there? That's Charmed.

Band/artist: Nickelback (note: NOT One Direction). I don't get the hating...again I wish hating in general didn't exist, but I like them. I like how they a) write their own music and b) can write songs like Far Away, If Everyone Cared, Lullaby, If Today was Your Last Day which are such beautiful songs with beautiful messages/video clips yet they can also write songs like Animals, S.E.X. Photograph and This Afternoon which are so...not. They're real though. I like that they write songs like Rockstar too and they just take the piss out of their lifestyles. I appreciate people that can do that.

Artist: I really like Da Vinci, I can't wait to see the Last Supper in person.

Colour: Aquamarine. I wear a lot of black but that's not a colour.

Number: Once upon a time it was, without a doubt, 42. Then it kind of variated between whatever my playing number was and now I've had so many...I like the number 8, let's go with that.

Season: I'm one of those people that, when it's summer I wish for winter and when it's winter I wish for summer. I think winter is probably my favourite because I love being able to wear coats and scarves and hats.

Actor/Actress: I'm going to take this slash as an 'and' not an 'or'. My favourite actor is Paul Wesley, he
plays Stefan in the Vampire Diaries...and I just think he does amazingly super awesome. My favourite actress is Holy Marie Combs who played Piper in Charmed just 'cause...I mean she ad-libbed a lot and she just made me fall in love with Piper.

Animal: Wolf - ever since White Fang...part of the reason why I want a Husky.

Name (boy and girl): William or Tristain for a boy (mind you I probably won't actually call my kid
this, I just like the names) and Isabella for a girl (even though it's been ruined for me by Twilight)

Food: Nonna's Lasagne. I don't know how she does it but it's incredible

Flower: Lotus Flower - they're pretty.

Author: After discounting the obvious and amazing J.K. Rowling I had my faith in fantasy restored by Brent Weeks in the Night Angel trilogy so I'd say him.

Teacher: Madame Lorenc. Without a doubt, elle était incroyable, she was incredible, the best teacher I have ever had and that there ever was in the history of the world, ever. If Madame wasn’t so outstandingly amazing this would’ve been a hard decision because I’ve had some amazing teachers, from kindergarten to VCE I’ve been lucky enough to have some seriously awesome teachers.

Comedian: This is a toss up between the only two comedians I actually know the name of – Will Anderson and Charlie Pickering. I think it’d be Charlie Pickering though ‘cause he’s on Your Gen and the 7PM Project (which isn’t actually called the 7PM Project anymore…) and I quite like those. Oh, wait – does Rove McManus count? ‘Cause he’d definitely be my favourite! He’s gorgeous AND funny.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 9 - Write About a CD the Other Has Made For You

Okay so about probably over a month ago now Han gave me a CD ‘cause I said I was too lazy to find my own “undiscovered” music and that’s why my interests were so mainstream.

1. In Retrospect - Battleships
I like the title…that’s pretty much it. It’s not bad, just not my thing.
2. Go Right Ahead – The Hives
I really really really like it. It’s bouncy and it reminds me of a band called OK GO which you might know the song ‘Invincible’ from She’s The Man.
3. The Weight of Love – Snow Patrol – I pretty much love anything from Snow Patrol on principle since they did Chasing Cars on Grey’s. It sounds kind of acoustic too which I like
4. Matchstick – American Rhapsody
Said something about a “rabbit hole” and “strawberry fields” – Alice and Wonderland and the Beatles. No go zones.
5. Witchcraft – Pendulum
I like the sound of this guys voice…he sounds hot. Tick.
6. Contagion Chemistry – You me at Six.
I like it. I’m 15 seconds in and I like it. It kind of reminds me of Motion City Soundtrack and Fall Out Boy and All American Rejects. It’s good.
7. Even Though I’m A Woman – Seeker Lover Keeper
Also kinda weird but more in a different kind of way, i quite like it, it reminds me of a lot of stuff by Regina Spektor with the lyrics and Florence and the Machine in the way it kind of has this ethereal other worldly feel to it.
8. All The Rowboats – Regina Spektor
I love Regina Spektor ‘nuff said.
9. RUMine – Arctic Monkeys
Never really got into the Arctic Monkeys…they’ve been around for a while…and I’m still king of meh. They remind me of the Gorrillaz who I never really liked much either.
10. Eclipse – Metric
Better not say anything horrible about Hannah’s favouritest band. From this CD, I get the kind of vibe Han like these…weird sounding ethereal/otherworldy kind of artisits/bands. Im neither for nor against this song…I like ‘Help I’m Alive’ but Metric better
11.  The Truth – Pnaus
Kinda weird/meh. I sort of have no real opinion. His voice annoys me.
12. Demons – Sleighbells
The title makes me laugh. A band called ‘Sleighbells’ and a song called Demons, lets get a little more incongruous shall we? It confuses me…coz it’s like chick punk/screamo...
13. Dirty Dancing – Boy Things
The start a bit weird…the guy sounds kinda like a crow for about 10 seconds. Then he starts singing and doesn’t really sound any better but it’s the kind of bad singing I like…if that makes sense. Its giving me 90s flashbacks though…to like OutKast and Hey-Ya
14. Heavy Ceiling – Said the Whale
I think I’ve heard of these guys before…either from Han or someone else. I like it. Weird lyrics…but good.
15. Ghost – Skip the Use
Has this kind of girl choir thing going on at the start then this guy comes in…I feel like parts of it would be really good on adds…especially Aussie adds.
16. Fragile Bird – City and Colour
Again weird…but not in a I-don’t-like-it-way this time..again with the ethereal/otherworldy thing. I like the instruments…I’m not quite good enough to pick them out…but I think they’re the thingys on the drumset (omg mental black) I want to say cymbals…but I’m pretty sure they’re the ones you crash together.
17. Panic Switch – Silver Pickups
Once we finally got to the singing part it just reminds me of how freaking Silverchair were when they were all grungy…which I liked but…you can only handly so much grunge.
18. Chase That Feeling – Hilltop Hoods
Not overly impressed by the Hilltop Hoods, i think we should leave the rapping to Eminem.
19. Secret – Lux Leopard
This sounds really familiar and I don’t know if it’s because I’ve had the CD for over a month or if because I’ve heard it before the CD. I kind of like it…not my favourite but I like it.
20. Velociraptor – Kasabian
Reminds me of the “this is a song about ping pong” song…
21. It All Began With a Burst – Kishi Bashi
First thought – this can’t possibly be English. Turns out it is. I’m not overly keen on the weird computerised music but I like the kind of beat.

Well, my favourite song, not including the ones by Snow Patrol and Regina Spektor who I already liked was probably Contagion Chemistry – You me at Six or Go Right Ahead – The Hives.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 8 - Someone That Fascinates You and Why?

Jeez, this one was not easy. Ever since we compiled our 30 day challenge list I've felt like I've had this person in the back of my mind, on the edge of my tongue only I couldn't for the life of me remember/figure out who it was.

In light of having no IDEA who this person is, I've had to chose another one.

My reason for fascination is the invention of language - I'm not saying i'm inspired by whats-his-face who created (stole form half a dozen European languages) English I'm more inspired by the likes of Christoper R. Tolkein (author of The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings) and Christopher Paoloini (author of the Eragon books). I just...they freaking created languages, let alone worlds, with spelling and grammatical rules (less so Paoloini but he was nigh on 17 when he wrote Eragon or something).
It just kind of fascinates me...I want to be a writer, I want to write some great novel/series whatever and I've always been intrigued by the genre of fantasy but I couldn't even imagine creating my own world, let alone a world in which my characters actively converse in languages unknown.

So, lo and behold, the ZoHan bloggers are fascinated by authors, whoda thunk it.

Day 8 Fascination

So spending time watching all the behind the scenes of Harry Potter movies I remember Emma Watson saying that she has a book in which she writes down conversations she has had with people that she thought were important to her. Maybe i should start with one of those. This challenge comes at just the right time for me to write about John Marsden. He is the one who wrote the Tomorrow series that i go on about all the time. I went his talk and book signing and he just said so many things that made sense to me. I waited in line for ages to get my book signed. I was blabbering of course because i was excited so I hope that I didn't sound rude as i sometimes do. But thats besides the point. I want to write about what he said about language. He said that language has guidelines yes, but never rules. Whenever you want you can just chuck the grammar book out the window. Um is a word and the more you try to stop someone saying it the more the will say it. Characters in a book must be unpredictable and hypocritical. He said that when writing a book a character must change status for it to be interesting. By failing or embarrassing themselves they can lose status. By succeeding they can gain status. He talked about taking risks. He once had a job sorting through job applications and he learnt a lot from that experience about how to stand out in a crowd. After reading a few applications that were formal and boring he knew what not to do, so when he applied for a job at Geelong Grammar he knew that in order to stand out above the rest he couldn't just send in a polite letter to the headmaster of the prestigious school and hope that he wasn't application 285 being read because he would have no chance of having his application read to the end. So he decided to write something out there and humorous. Instead of 3 references he sent 30. He got his students to all write him a reference and sent them all in, even the ones with the bad spelling mistakes and the rude ones. He knew if he censored the references it would be apparent to whoever read the application. He said it was a risk to do something different, but in a way it was a risk not to try stand out of the crowd. And it paid off. He got the job, even though he ended up hating it.
He started by talking about his primary school. Every week his teacher would give them a story writing task. She would give the class a topic and everyone would say words related to that topic and they would all be written on the blackboard sorry I didn't mean to be racist towards all the chalkboards out there....they would all be written on the chalkboard and then everyone would would go along and write their story. Of course John Marsden was a stubborn kid and refused to use any word from the board. To him it was just a game of dot to dot, taking words off the boards and stringing them together with ifs ands and buts. So he didn't contribute to the board and so he extended his vocabulary and challenged himself to write something creative.
He said soo much more but i have a physiology test tomorrow so.....bye!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 7 ... finally found my iPod!

1 Sweet Thing- Spider
I haven’t heard this song before but I’ve been meaning to because I likewhat I have heard of them so far. Crunchy tunes with heavy choruses. When  I say heavy I don't mean screaming I mean a more full sounds. The have guitars and synth which is a combo we have in my band and I love.
2 Sex Bob-Omb - We Are Sex Bob-Omb
I have to say I love this song. It’s from the movie Scott Pilgrim VS the World. I LOVE the soundtrack and it played a role in developing my love for metric. This song is pretty much distorted guitar with a fun pulse. It was a great song for the movies introduction.
3 Pulled Apart By Horses- V.E.N.O.M
I know I have said I don't really like screaming in music, but this type is an exception. It’s kind of like ACDC yelling. I didn't even know I had this song on my iPod, but I’ve been hearing it on triple J quite a bit and I like it. My friend gave my some Indie Rock playlists and I’ve slowly been going through them finding a few surprises. I don’t really know what to say about this song but that I like it, but know I could get sick of it quite quickly.
4 Little Red – Lazy Boy
Another song I haven’t listened to until now…I recently got all these albums from bands that I have liked on the radio and haven’t yet gotten around to listening to them. There’s a bit of funky brass in this song.
5 Arcade Fire – Brazil
Another unknown. I liked their recent album suburbs that shocked all the Beiber and Gaga fans out there by taking out the Grammy Award…they hadn’t even heard of the band. It’s great to know that awards can go not just hugely popular music, but great quality music. This song is from an earlier album. A mix of sounds, a fun bit of piano at the end..a bit of randomness.
6 Mumford And Sons – Winter Winds
You may know Little Lion Man….same artist. Ukulele guitar….such a unique sounds and voice. I’m not as familiar with this song as others on the Album. Its one of their more upbeat songs.
7 Shiney Toy Guns – Le Disko
This song was on a car advertisement I’m quite sure. It’s full of synth, a catchy line “We’re gonna ride the race cars “ A bit of a party tune really. It's a if you loved Ladyhawke song.
8 The Shins – Simple Song
Like so many songs on my iPod this song suits a roadtrip along the coast in summer.
9 Florence and the Machine – Shake it Out
I love Florence. I saw her live two years ago….and wow. She has such a strong voice, such presence on stage. This is one of my favourites from the new album Ceremonials. Her most famous song is You Got the Love. She makes such amazing music, she has a harp in her machine which you don't see very often.
10 Blud – Sarah is for Lovers
This is a song that was nominated for triple J’s hottest 100. Unfortunately for them it was the same year that Stonefield entered. But I really like this tune, half because I have an almost identical synth sound on my keyboard. The voice sounds very familiar and I keep thinking of the Scissor Sisters when I hear it. The song is mostly the same tune repeated with a different mix of sounds through the whole song. Gotta love it.

So there’s 10 songs off my iPod. I was a it disappointed Metric didn't turn up on there since I have so many songs of theirs, but oh well. Take a listen, they're pretty cool tunes.

a late 6th day...

here is my scrawl....didn't have any lined paper which didn't help. I think i confused my lecturer on my exam coz i used different handwriting styles on different pages....and sorry again for the lateness...

Day 7 - Put Your iPod on Shuffle and Write Down the First 10 Songs That Play

1. What a Wonderful World – The Ramones.
Hey, my one Ramones song! I still want that t-shirt…

2. Gotta Be You – One Direction
‘gotta’ isn’t a word boys…otherwise I like Liam sining about the “mess” he made upon some chick’s “innocence.”

3. Are You Lonesome Tonight – Elvis.
What a hunk a hunk a burning love that guy was…pity he died old, fat and ODing…But seriously, I love Elvis, he has an amazing voice and I can never get sick of him.

4. I’m Not Over – Carolina Liar.
I’m pretty sure I got this off Gossip Girl…but I like it, it’s catchy.

5. Ooh La – The Kooks
The Kooks!!! Weowww.

6. Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again?
I went through a classics stage where I pretty much got every hit I could think of/Google.

7. Flying Without Wings – Westlife
I know it’s a boy band and boy bands suck…but it’s a beautiful song all things considered.

8. My Girl – The Temptations
“I’m talkin’ about myyyyyyyy girl”

8.5 "Adopt An Attention Seeker" - Hamish and Andy
Considering this is a podcast and not a song, I decided it didn't count.

9. Song For a Jedi - Dionysos
Possibly one of the funniest French songs I have. It's kind of like Weird Al's stuff...and basically its a song about this guy who was a Jedi when he was a kid and he was always nervous about when it rained because he electrocuted him self.

10. Black Betty - Spiderbait
bamalam whoa black betty! What a great way to finish off.

Day 6 - A Picture of Your Handwriting

Voilà, a pic of the letter-come-birthday-card I wrote for my dearest blog buddy.
I tried to be all artistic with the pen and stuff but I think the sunlight ruined it...

Friday, August 17, 2012

Day five....3 wishes, I mean crushes!

Three celebrity crushes.... most people know I'm not really into crushing on celebrities. I don't really look up things they say or what they do on their private lives. I watch their movies or listen to their music and either enjoy or hate their style of acting. I think Harry Potter was the exception. I used to watch all the behind the scenes stuff and listen to what the main cast have to say. I loved that Daniel Radcliff had a sense of humour (he did some work with Ricky Gervais (one of my fave comedians)) and Emma Watson was the brightest and most polite actresses I have seen. But for this days challenge I chose 3 good looking men who I have loved in pretty much every role I have seen. Johnny Depp almost made the list but we said three didn't we?!

Tom Hardy! So he was in Inception when i first saw him and I routed for him in This Means War. He was also in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, which i haven't gotten around to watching yet and The Dark Night Rises as Bane (which i can't beleive i haven't seen yet!!!) I've seen him play the good guy now I'm interested in seeing him as a terrorist leader! I looove his accent.

First saw him on 500 Days of Summer. Poor thing. I didn't like that movie as much just because i felt so sorry for his character being more in love with summer than she was with him. Joseph Gordon-Levitt put himself on this list in Inception. I don't think many people can look so appealing while maintain a calm and collected his cute puppydog eyes....oh and he's also in the new Batman movie...really need to get onto that...

Leonardo DiCaprio....I'm adding him to my list in a more youthful form because he was so cute. Catch me if you can, Romeo and Juliet, Titanic and more recently Blood Diamond and surprise surprise Inception..I seriously didn't purposefully go through the cast for that movie when writing this list, but I did really like the movie. I also hearted Ellen Page in it...

That Ramones Shirt...

Again, my 1D love (read - obsession) leads to some self-hating on my part because I'm just so irrational.

So, Harry Styles has this Ramone's T-shirt, right (see below) and I really really really like it. It's cool, it looks good on him and I kind of sort of want one...but I have never bought into (no pun intended) buying stuff that [insert celebrity here] has even if I'd be buying it because I love it. Besides, every other 1D fan out there in the world would immediately assume I'm wearing it/bought it because like-omg-Harry-Styles-has-one and I just couldn't bear the shame. Also, I mean I don't really know the Ramones that well, I think I have maybe one song of theirs? And I'm pretty sure it's a cover so...

Anyway, while I was googling my photos of 3 celeb crushes I came across this:
Which just really made me laugh 'cause - Thank heavens I'm not alone and...seriously, yeah, damn you Harry Styles.

I did in fact see said Ramones design on a jumper a few months back and had to pretty much force myself not to buy it but I didn't so it's all good, I can remain a productive member of society.

Day 5 - Pictures of 3 Celebrity Crushes.

I decided to split this into 3 sections ('cause I just loveeeee sections 'kay?):

Celeb Crush of the Moment:
Harry Styles (of course). He's a babe. He's British, I'm in love with his hair and he kinda sings good too.

Celeb Crush of All Time:
Brad Pitt fo' sure. From Troy to Oceans, Legends of the Fall to Fight Club, Thelma and Louise to The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Mr and Mrs Smith to Interview with the Vampire, Sinbad to Megamind, in whatever role this man is in he performs it amazingly and he looks damn good doing it too.

Oldest and Dearest Celeb Crush:
Julian McMahon. Before there was Buffy and Gilmore Girls, before there was Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter, there was Charmed. I'm half-certain Julian McMahon as the slightly-evil Cole introduced me to the whole concept of 'celeb crush' and I've always had a soft spot for him, even after he was evil in Fantastic Four and a bit of a man-whore in Nip/Tuck.

Just btw, I'd like some kudos for the fact that NONE of these pictures are shirtless. Thank you.


On this day many moons ago, one blog-buddy was born...

Happy 20th Birthday Han!

Love you

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 4 - If You Could Have a Super Power What Would it Be?

This is quite a common question and I never really know exactly what I'd like to have.
Somedays I'd love to be able to fly (imagine, no traffic!) but other days I realise it'd wreak havoc on my already fly-away hair. On those days I think I'd like to be able to be invisible...that'd just be so...handy.

I'd love to be telekinetic too...but I think that's more a magical than super power

Day 4 super powers

 I wish i could fly....! I must have made the same wish every time i had a wish chip as a kid. Either that or being invisible. I could never really choose between them. I thought it'd be hard to be able to fly without being invisible because then everyone could see you. I'd prefer to have a secret super power. I could be the queen of hide and seek! I still wish i could fly sometimes while sitting in peak hour traffic. It would be so euphoric being able to move through the air. You wouldn't need a roller coaster for thrills anymore! You could go anywhere you wanted!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Okay, so I have become a big fan of Wednesdays, not just because they're hump day, not just in my Uni week but in the week as a whole but because in my 10am JAFFY class (as a non-first year, don't choose to do a first year subject, just don't.) there's this quite attractive guy (must refrain from calling him a 'kid' because he's at least legal if not older than me) who kind of might have been looking at me today. It's entirely possible he was going 'WTF is up with that chick's hair?' for all I know but I'll go with something a bit more passionate.

We normally end up in the same discussion group and our little foursome is quite friendly so I was admittedly sad he was separated from us this week and I hope he was too. I did notice him looking at me once or twice and I was looking at him more than once or twice so...we'll see how it goes.

And no, before you ask, I don't know his name. I've had 3 classes with him, give me some time.

On the third day...

Favourite Character. It depends on what I’m reading I suppose. When I was reading Harry Potter I loved Harry, when I was reading the Night Angel Trilogy I really liked Kyler, when I read the Obernewtyn chronicles I really liked Elspeth and of course the dark humour inside of me made me love Dexter…. I have to really like the main character of a book to enjoy it. To pick a favourite would be hard but I will have to say that the characters in the tomorrow series were my favourites, especially Ellie. It’s written from first person and so John Marsden was able to create a character with a lot of depth. I felt I empathized with Ellie a lot. She thinks in the same way that I would but with a lot more bravery. She’s the kickass, rough country girl with creativity and leadership. She’s not perfect; she’s stubborn,  she has her selfish moments and there are times of weakness. It was the adventure of my early teen years. I read the series when I was in year 8. I would borrow them from the school library and stay up all night reading them. It was a series packed with action, but not lacking morals, sprinkled with a little bit of romance. If it wasn't for this series I’d probably be the girl who read a couple of books and the Harry Potter series and that's it.  If you asked me tomorrow I may have another favourite character. It may be the dark night’s joker or even Bellatrix….

Day 3 - Favourite Fictional Character

I thought about this a lot...I love books I've had my nose stuck in a book pretty much since the day I learnt to read and I've watched a lot of movies and TV shows too so I have come across hundreds, if not thousands, of characters that have captured my attention and imagination and really stuck with me. They've made me laugh, made me cry and, most importantly, made me love. So, when it came to picking my favourite I had lots of options: Hermione, Sirius, Fred & George, Dumbeldore, Aragorn, Arwen, Legolas, King Arthur, Robin Hood, Damon Salvatore, Tuxedo Mask, Captain Shang (I am particularly infamous for my quote regarding those last two: "Hey Zo, who would you want to play Tuxedo Mask in a real movie?" "Captain Shang!" "What part of 'real' don't you get?"), Piper Halliwell, Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, Simba (just to name a few).

However, who I finally did decide on was Sherlock Holmes. And maybe it's just a phase brought on by watching the BBC's version but Sherlock Holmes is my man (godly being) of the moment.
Whether it be Benedict Cumberbacht in the BBC's take on it, Robert Downey Jnr in the Hollywood blockbuster or whatever image my imagination conjures up, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created a god.

Sherlock Holmes is the original Sheldon, that slightly off-kilter individual we all love-to-hate who is far too intelligent for his own good and seemingly struggles with social interaction.
I first read Sherlock Holmes when I was about 16 and from the first short story I was in awe. The conclusions he comes to, so confidently and correctly, from a few quick observations seem so obvious and self-evident when he explains them that I can't believe I ever missed them yet I fail perpetually at deducing them on my own.

Sherlock Holmes leaves me in absolute awe each and every time I come away from any reincarnation of him and that's why he is my favourite fictional character.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 2 - Favourite Quote

I’m a quote addict and I honestly just couldn’t decide on just one so I’ve picked a couple of categories from which I will chose my favourite quotes.

Favourite Book Quote:
‘As happens sometimes, a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment. And sound stopped and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment.’ 
– Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck.
I cannot for the life of me explain why this particular quote is my favourite out of the thousands of others I’ve picked out of books I’ve licked much, much more than I did Of Mice and Men but I just remember when I was reading this that these 2 sentences really struck a chord inside me and I just…I loved them. I love the way they sound and how they can just paint the perfect picture in your head and you know exactly what he means.

Favourite TV Show Quote:
I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann's Way. It's a rewarding world, but my second one is by far superior. My second one is populated with characters slightly less eccentric but supremely real, made of flesh and bone, full of love, who are my ultimate inspiration for everything. Richard and Emily Gilmore are kind, decent, unfailingly generous people. They are my twin pillars without whom I could not stand. I am proud to be their grandchild. But my ultimate inspiration comes from my best friend. The dazzling woman from whom I received my name and my life’s blood. Lorelai Gilmore. My mother never gave me any idea that I couldn't do whatever I wanted to do or be whomever I wanted to be. She filled our house with love and fun and books and music, unflagging in her efforts to give me role models from Jane Austen to Eudora Welty to Patti Smith. As she guided me through these incredible eighteen years, I don't know if she ever realized that the person I most wanted to be was her. Thank you Mom, you are my guide post for everything.’
- Rory Gilmore, Gilmore Girls
I know, it’s insanely long but this quote from Gilmore Girls never fails to make me cry. Rory Gilmore was, and kind of still is, my role model, or at least as close to one as I’ve ever had. I wanted to be like her, I wanted to be smart and well-read and have that kind of relationship with my mother.

Favourite Movie Quote:
‘Be not afraid of greatness, 
Some are born great,
Some achieve greatness,
And some have greatness thrust upon them.’
Okay, so technically it’s William Shakespeare from Twelfth Night but it also features in She’s The Man which is loosely based on the play and considering I’d already done the book quote and didn’t have a favourite play quote option it featured here.

Favourite Song Quote:
‘And if you were with me tonight,
I’d sing to you just one more time, 
A song for a heart so big,
God couldn’t let it live.’
- Hear You Me – Jimmy Eat World
I don’t even think I need to explain this one…All I know is that when the book I write gets turned into a movie THIS song is the ending montage of the funerals for my characters.