Wednesday, October 22, 2014


So I just found 3 new posts from Zo, which gets me excited because I am the lazy one who writes 1 post for every 10 of hers and the page had been quiet for a while now. Not that anyone really cares. But I enjoy seeing into the depths of Zo's mind, and I know for a fact that some of our friends do too (hi Patto).
So in relation to her last post, I cooked pearl couscous monday night and put it in with a can of vegetable soup and it was delicious. I did also go through the outwardbound-couscous despise phase and I am happy to say it can and will end.

I am also glad to see she is reading the book I gave her around 2 years ago.
Zo failed to mention that she now speaks 3 languages, and well on her way to becoming a professional  translator so if thats not interesting I don't know what is. Everyone knows some shit.
Talking of teaching Zo biology I had the funniest conversation about birds with her, in which she pretty much asked how birds breathed while flying because if they opened their mouth they would be pushed backwards. I don't know whether to be proud of her knowledge in aerodynamics or concerned.
Anyhoo, so a few fun things that have been happening in the past few months.
Orphan Black is an addictive TV show.
There is such thing as large couscous and it is delicious in stews/soups.
House sparrows are mental energetic critters out to destroy my life.
Agricola and Dominion are the flavour of the month(s).
When you spend your time between 4 houses you car gets very messy and full of energy drink cans.
You always find a little time for friends!
It's been getting warmer and I have been getting happier.
Marvellous Creations Ice-creams are yumyum (Get on it Zo!)
I am currently procrastinating, and should be doing a Literature Review on the evolution of bird beaks as a thermoregulatory organ.

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