Thursday, May 02, 2013

Artistic License and Creative Genius

I think creative people are amazing. 

I think they see the world in a completely different way. Whether it be artists, musicians, writers etc.
They see the world in a completely different way to "normal" people and they can describe it  in a way "normal" people can only dream of and wonder "why didn't I think of that first"?
They see sunsets or significant moments or something so serenely beautiful or so devastatingly sad and manage to capture it in such a specific yet ambivalent way so that every person who experiences that piece of art can take something different from it. 

They're a little bit eccentric too I think, you have to be when you see the world like that. With their doodles, scribbles and jottings, never knowing when inspiration will strike. That's my favourite part, asking about the moment they were inspired to create that, whether it be a glance out the window, an aggregation of beats only they can hear or a walk in the park. It's those stories that I love to hear. I want to know why. Why did inspiration strike in that moment, why did their (sub)consciousness choose that to stimulate them? I love inspiration. 

I don't mean this as a slight to said "normal" people, for the most part I am one. I couldn't draw to save my life and my musical prowess is only evident in my dreams, I do however, on occasion think I'm not too shabby of a writer. So while I am in absolute awe of the creative brilliance of artists and musos, on the other hand I am eternally grateful that sometimes I experience that strange and inexplicable moment of inspiration where your muse kicks into gear and all you want to do is record it but often your hands can't keep up with your muse so you just try and get as much as you can down either on paper or imprinted into your mind and hope she sticks around to finish.

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