Friday, May 18, 2012


So I have this friend, right, she's one of my best friends. Only our best-friendship didn't come about like normal ones do. One day, at some group gathering or another she asked me if I would be her best friend. I said yes, of course, and we swapped numbers and have been best friends ever since. She's different to all my other best friends. She's so cute when she sends me random text messages basically detailing how awesome/beautiful/intelligent I am and they always make me smile and just feel good. I send random ones back of course just to make her smile but I dont think I could do it with anyone else but her even though I'm sure my friends would like to hear it. She does really sweet things for me that just brighten my day, I mean, she sent me a picture of Harry Styles with a piece of paper saying "I love you" because she knows how obsessed I am. This girl is amazing. I am so glad to have her in my life, glad that I can make her smile when she's not feeling so great, glad that she's happy to share her life with me.

She texts me to vent (bitch) about life and and the boyfriend and how school is sucking up her life and cutting into valuable boyfriend time (the boyfriend is one of my friends, hence how we met) and basically how she's afraid of how important her grades in year 12 are. I love that she trusts me with that stuff even though it adds to my life's constant reminders that no, Zoe, you don't have a boyfriend to fight and make up with and means that I'm vicariously doing year 12 for the second year running, which in addition to my own year 12 almost 2 years ago is kinda making me hate the whole institution of school (again).

Our best-friendship didn't start normally, we didn't start off slow, introducing each other and talking small talk for weeks until we graduated to phone numbers and life stories. We went from naught to 100 in 2.8 seconds. 

And I wouldn't have it any other way.
I love you, Best Friend♥.

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