Monday, May 14, 2012

The Internet.

The 'net is great, helps with homework, keeps us in touch, can pretty much tell you anything but it’s also the realm of a lot of hate, a lotta, lotta hate, like literal shit tons of hate (technical term).
Hate for bands, hate for celebs, hate for people who are connected with celebs, hate for people who like celebs, the list goes on.

I’ve noticed it most prominently with Justin Bieber, One Direction and in the Vampire Diaries fandom.

Justin Beiber was just a kid,he was like 16 and people halfway across the world were going out of their way to diss him. If you don’t like him, fine, don’t like him, whatever. Don’t fucking advertise your hate. He has feelings too.

One Direction are also kids and no one deserves the hate they’re getting, least of all post-pubescent-barely-adult guys in the spotlight but it’s more the hate their significant (or even not-so-significant in Harry Style’s case) female others in their lives are getting. Death threats, insults,“you’re-not-good-enough-for-Harry/Louis/Liam/Niall/Zayn”s. Seriously? Really? First of all, as if bagging the girls they hang out with (thus obviously like) is going to endear you to them. Secondly, like I said, they’re real people, they have feelings too. THINK before you speak/type/tweet. Didn’t your mother ever teach you, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all?‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ Third: GET A FUCKING LIFE. Love them, or not, they’re just living their lives, maybe you should try doing the same.

And another thing, ship-wars, really? THEY’RE REAL HUMAN BEINGS NOT FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. Just…chill out guys.

TVD…oh TVD, the hate in this fandom simply astounds me. I can’t even explain how horrible people here can be. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, if you disagree, cool. Agree to disagree and move on to find other likeminded people. Don’t hate and insult and abuse people who are different from you.

I am a big believer in “haters gonna hate” but I seriously wish there just wasn’t.

Feel free to voice your opinions guys, you are, of course, entitled to them, just try not to be a dick about it and respect everyone else’s opinions.

However, all I've said above is not to say that every single fan is a horrible conniving bitch, there are some genuinely nice people who just like [insert band/show/person here] and just want to be able to fangirl in peace. Those people are (generally) the majority, but as they say "the minority aren't stupid, they're just very loud."

On another note, the internet has also revealed that there are some serious creepers out there…and I mean to each their own but seriously? Some people are kinda twisted.

edit: I felt I should just mention that some things the internet brings are amazing, all you have to do is look at what's trending on twitter, the support for people/causes is amazing. While there is a lot of hate, when stuff like LLN (laughing like Niall, the irish guy from 1D who cracks up in every interview without fail) replaces LOL in Directioners' can't help but smile.

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