Thursday, March 14, 2013


The whole time I was in high school I was always slightly worried about University. So much independence, choosing your career, study. Teachers always made it out to be really demanding, so difficult. And now I am at University starting my third and final year I am loving it. No more 9-3:30 days where teachers pester you for homework and you have 6 completely different subjects. Just freedom. I don't miss school one little bit. Not even the friends. I see my friends from school quite often. And we do way more exciting things than we ever did while at school since we all have money/jobs and drive.
So what sparked me to start writing about this now? I am in the first week of 3rd year and I am loving it. My subjects are fun. Today I wrote out floral formulas of flowers and sifted through dust for micro-organisms. It was the ultimate where's wally. There is something relaxing about staring down a dissection microscope. The clarity and detail that the human eye misses. It is really beautiful. I also decided to join the Science society (mainly for the free BBQs) and met some great people this afternoon.
It was a long day. I had a gig last night and didn't get home till after 1 and had to get up before 7 for work. And I am exhausted. But I put 100% in today and have a positive outlook on the year to come. Everyday is different; some busy, some adventurous, some boring. And it beats the constricting routine of school. So time just flies and I feel like there is so much potential for my future, so much to explore, so much to learn and I look forward to it more than I did when I lived a sheltered high school life.

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