so i just missed my bus because i never factor in the time it takes to get from here to the bus stop. so i have just decided to write a post. I don't really know where this is going to go so if you are looking for something other than ramblings of a uni student whose life is ruled by the bus and train timetables, you might want to stop reading here. If your somehow interested in hearing about my life well i feel sorry for you because the only thing really new in my life is that my dog is really sick, we think she has lupus, and she has to take steroids, so she is going to get fat.... Ok so maybe i can make this post slightly more interesting.....
So recently i have been applying for jobs, because otherwise i will be spending my whole extra long summer break sitting on my ass doing nothing. Which is kinda ironic because recently that is all i have been doing while applying for jobs through the internet. Within the past week and a half i have been called for two interviews. The first i was fairly sure i wouldn't get the job because i was planning to be away one of the weeks they needed me. But i went to the interview anyway, figuring it wouldn't hurt to at least see how a group interview is run. And as i expected they said they weren't allowed to hire me because of the contract etc. But what i wasn't expecting was for them to like me. I have had no retail experience at all, i was the youngest there, and i felt underdressed. But they told me to come into the store after the christmas period when they start hiring again and apply then. It surprised me that by researching basic facts about the company and being able to talk about by thoughts and ideas confidently i was able to impress them. The funny thing was was that i left feeling great about myself, even though i knew i had no chance of being employed.
So then the second call came for another interview. I had a feeling that i was a last minute fill in because they called me the day before. And in the end my mother convinced me not to go to the interview. I think it is because she just has a prejudice against chadstone for some unknown reason. But I allowed myself to be convinced. I'm not sure if it was a good idea since im an inexperienced uni student jus tlooking for a job, and this one was one that paid great. But in the end i just couldn't let myself become one of those annoying telephone interviewers. I just hate talking to people on the phone that i don't know. I'd hate to be stuck in an office calling people for a living.
Well my bus is going to be here soon so i'll have to sign off here.
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