Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Harry Potter, C'est La Vie♥

Harry Potter is my life. 

The above statement was most definitely true back in primary school and the first few years of highschool and it still is true to a certain degree. 
I am an avid Harry Pottet fan, of the books anyway. While I am unbelievably in love with the world J.K. created with her words, the movies just don't do it for me. However, they are without a doubt a prime example of theatrical wonder at it's best. 

Despite my less than fond feelings for the Harry Potter movies, the Deathly Hallows Part 2 release last week nonetheless marks the end of an era. What is there to look forward to in life if not Harry Potter? 
Possibly a small exaggeration there, but the point is valid. Harry Potter was an integral part of our childhoods whether it be in book or movie form (though I think you are undoubtedly missing out if you haven't read those books because they're amazing).

I remember, on the day of the Deathly Hallows release I went to the shops with my best friend and we bought the books and sat down to read them wherever possible while mum continued to do her shopping until we could get home where we both sat down on my bed and read. That was the day that proved the strength of that particular friendship. 
The sheer volume of people lined up at the register with just the Harry Potter book in their hands made me smile. J.K. Rowling managed to touch an amazing amount of people with her words, something an aspiring author can only be in awe of. More than the amount of people purchasing the seventh and final Harry Potter book was the varying demographic. 25 year old men standing in line at the registers with Harry Potter (which is advertised as a children's book) tucked under their arms, ready to spend the next few weeks (or days) finishing off the series that they started in their teens. Yet in line behind them, 10 year olds with their parents, nose in the book while they waited to pay. And behind them, mature aged women, my own mother included, with the book popped into their baskets along with their other items. 

J.K. Rowling did an amazing thing when it came to creating the world of Harry Potter, I am in her debt for sharing her ingenuity with us mere "muggles". 

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