I met you as a pair, you came together, like me and my best friend, and you've stayed that way in my head long after the both of you have moved on. I don't even know if you ever had a genuine friendship or one born from the mutual necessity of new friends that is the first year of high school.
Now, you're not interested and I get that, and he's...lonely I think. And feeling nostalgic and I get that too because I feel that way about one of my friends sometimes. We had amazing times together growing up and we were best friends for a long time but we've grown apart now and while we're still friends, we've accepted that we're not as close as we were and we probably never will be again. I don't know how to push him towards acceptance that things are different now because I think he needs to realise that your friendship is over.
It's a foreign concept to me not to still see school friends. The friendships have grown and changed since school finished of course but I'm still friends with most of the people I was friends with when I was at school.
It's probably not a good thing (certainly not for my love life) that my friendship group has barely changed in 5 years but it's nice to have old friends.
He doesn't seem to have many of those friendships. Not that he doesn't have friends because he does. Maybe you guys will be friends again but it'll never be like it was and that's just life, c'est la vie.