Friday, October 21, 2011


I have had a big thought on how horrible it is that the world runs on money and greed. How we waste so much money on trivial things and there are people put there who have to worry about being able to feed their kids once a day, let alone three.
I could go on about poverty, but it has been done all too often. The thing is that there are too many charities out there and we cant donate every time someone shows us a photo and shakes a tin.
I just want to tell a story a lecturer told our class.
The other day he told us about a project he had been working on in a small lab. They were trying to find a cure to Alzheimers disease. The first stage of testing involved mice with alzheimers...i wont go into the details of the experiment, but the tests proved to be positive and in order to go onto the next stage of testing they needed more money. So they went through the motions, had a bunch of fancy people come through the lab while they made themselves look busy. But in the end they couldn't get the funding because it was around the same time as the recession and there was just no money for new experiments at that point in time.
This may not be the cure for cancer, but it would be sad if it was and the reason it wasn't found was because we haven't  got enough money to fund it, but instead that we decide to spend the money on our governments five star holiday holiday accommodation and our nails and anti wrinkle cream....Because it isn't just the money, but the greed behind it.
So hopefully you haven't stopped reading because you think I'm going to guilt you into donating money to some dodgy site that claims it will cure some disease or poverty. I don't really have some sort of lesson to be learnt at the end of this post, it was just something I needed to say because as an aspiring scientists it was something that frustrated me. You can now go out on your way and think nothing more of it!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Le Francais♥

Je sais que la plupart de gens qui lit ce blog ne comprendre pas ce que j’écrirai mais, étant donné que je vais quitter le français l’année prochaine, je pense qu’il sois nécessaire de dire « adieu » à la français en français, au moins jusqu’à je retourne en France ou commence les cours de français  ailleurs. 
Le français est une très grande partie de ma vie depuis 7 ans et je suis très triste que je le quitterai. Cependant, il faut que je le quitter. Je n’aime pas le moyen dans lequel l’université de Monash l’enseigne et je crois que je dois arrêter avant que je commence à détester la meilleure langue du monde.
J’ai peur d’oublier mais j’espère que je n’oublierai pas et je vais essayer de pratiquer le français souvent.

Alors, au revoir « français » vous me manquerez. 


Today i just want to blog about how much i love summer!
In south eastern Australia Summer means anytime from late september to April. The weathers always changing, and the seasons aren't very defined. It never snows and so the only thing enjoyable about the weather is when you hole up in your bed and listen to the lightening outside. Well it used to be fun, but now i seem to be out and stuck on public transport when the atmosphere tries to give use a bit of a show. Winter is cold, the rain is cold, the sky is grey and the days are short. It all leads to a depressed environment, where our bodies put on their winter fat and we just hibernate from society......well maybe not that extreme, but in comparison to summer that is what it feels like.
Today i walked down to the bus stop, the sky a clear blue and the breeze was a warm northerly, and for once the music on my ipod suited my mood. Having just finished my exams yesterday i have almost 5 months until i have to open another book (non fiction of course) so I'm happy and free and ready to have fun. The sun is shining! I can do whatever i want! Picnics, Beach, anything! Coz thats the beauty of summer...theres no limitations. you can go to the drive in cinema and not be uncertain if its going to rain, have illegal water fights, have a camp out, wear what you want, and if it does rain it doesn't matter because its warm and your thin summer clothes dry quickly. Instead of dashing for cover you just dance! Summer is the time of holidays and christmas and being active! The only thing left to do is wait for the rest of my friends to finish their exams and its partytime!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Darren Criss, I love you.

This song has been on repeat on my iPod for about a week.  
It is is amazing. 
Darren Criss' voice is amazing.  
The emotion he put into this song amazes me, 
It breaks my heart every time I hear it and even though I only have the audio, I can picture this scene and the look on his face.

In my opinion, Kurt and Blaine are Glee's cutest couple ever. 

This scene just gets me every time...but this post isnt about Glee. 
It's about Darren Criss. 
And Darren Criss is epic

*** I have no idea what's up with the formatting on this post:(

Sunday, October 02, 2011

The love of a printed book

There is nothing better than buying the most recent book in a series to fill the bookshelf. At first you love their freshness, the pristine quality, you feel like you are the first one to read this new adventure, you worry about it getting damaged blah blah blah. But just as much i love my old books that show signs of reading more than once. Some of my books are so old, found for a couple of dollars in a secondhand store, that you just don't worry about keeping them clean and undamaged, coz they are, well, already damaged. My favourite (well one of since nothing will beat the amazingness which is harry potter) series is the Tomorrow series. For those of you who have stumbled across this blog who don't know what i am talking about, it is an australian series kind of like Red Dawn, but australian. There are many reasons why these are my favourite in my accumulation of books sitting proudly on my bookshelf. One is because as soon as i read the first book i couldn't put them down. Another is because they are the perfect size. A long adventure, broken up into seven books plus a follow on series broken into three, just the perfect size to take when you travel. The other is that it looks the the strangest group of books. I told my grandmother about them and she found some of them at the secondhand bookshelf. Because the book has been reprinted a ridiculous amount of times, each cover is different, their covers bent and torn from the love of their previous owners. So most of the books look dishevelled, but loved (kinda like people in movies after sex), and i love them. They are at the point where i don't feel bad about writing my own annotations in them, or leaving them lying around on my floor to be stepped on. Its funny because i don't feel that way about the old secondhand books i had to read for school (though i quite enjoyed it when the previous owner left annotations for me), but i suppose you have to love the story to love an old cover. I think it is true that we read a book by its cover, and thats why we all like buying books new, looking more fresh and appealing. But once you're past the cover and are hooked on the storyline there is no putting it down, and you can't stop raving about it to people who really care, and even though you know you are alienating them by referring to them all the time, you just cant stop yourself. Same goes with movies and video games and (other). The thing is you want more and more, and unless your ready to wade through pitiful fan-fiction there really is nothing else to do but talk about it and read it over and over again, annotation your thoughts on the old crumpled pages..........