Monday, March 28, 2011

You Were Perfect♪

It's quite sobering growing up an realising your family isn't perfect. 
Your mother, your aunts, your grandmother, the people you looked up to, they have flaws, they're not perfect, they have issues.
It's daunting to realise that your role models aren't as perfect as you always thought…that maybe you have to learn how to do this on your own, that it's okay to make mistakes, they have and they're okay.

It still sort of blows my mind that my mother doesn't know everything, she isn't some mystical all-knowing being 'with eyes in the back of her head'. She's just a normal person. There are some things even she has to Google, some things she can't help me with, things she doesn't know about or understand.

I wish I was a little kid again when everything was perfect, my role models were perfect, there was no one better than my mum.

- noun
* the state or quality of being perfect, without fault
~ZoHan dictionary~

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Don't Watch this Movie

You wouldn't think that a movie can put you off other movies, but it has happened, i have unfortunately had to study one for my education. I would say it was like having a perfectly cooked stake, with just the right amount of seasoning, or drinking the most delicious hot chocolate, where you experince ten minutes of sensual bliss, but from then on all other steak is too tough and the hot chcolate too powdery. But i hated the movie, so it was more like drinking too much baileys so that you feel sick, then everytime you go to drink and sweet alcoholic drink, your body remembers the last time you drank it and the unsettling feeling returns.
Anyway if you are still reading this blog still, i'm guessing you want to know what the movie is called, so i will tell you now that it is The Player. And what is so bad about it? It points out the process of movie making, and how it is all about targeting audiences to make money. Study the movie too hard and you will drive yourself insane. It is pretty much a movie within a movie. The man character (who also sweats profusely) in the movie explains that there is a checklist of elements that appeal to an audience, that also happen to be found in the movie itself. Amongst nudity, sex, romance and whatever, he points out that the main thing that people want to see it a happy ending. Why make a movie non realistic by doing so? The Player highlights that the audience doesn't want realism, they want fantasy and resolutions they cant find in their own life.
So how does that make this movie a movie wrecker? By reminding you that you are being fed a commercial formula. Once having watched this movie you begin to realise the way you are being manipulated to watch the same synops in every single movie, in which before you were innocent to it all. It is like going to maccas after watching supersize me, or a kid learning there is no santa clause. You may not get fat, or you may feel more mature, but you have to agree, maccas taste so much better without the guilt and santa clause was pretty cool. So from a ZoHan to you, either don't watch the movie, or, if you have watch more art house movies. Sometimes it's better to stay innocent.

♪Give a little whistle.

I love how old people whistle.

Like they just walk down the street whistling and I think it's freaking awesome. No one whistles anymore.
Our generation have our iPods plugged in and we song along in a barely audible murumur ignoring everyone else.

Maybe the reason why I love whistling so much is because my Nonno (that means grandfather in Italian for those of you who don't know) used to whistle all the time, especially when he used to take me up the street to get ice cream when my brat of my cousin was taking his nap. Nonno doesn't whistle anymore, he can't really remember much these days, least of all his grand children.

Our grandparents' generation had to create their own music. Either the technology didn't exist or it was too expensive or it wasn't readily available.
I remember when I learnt to whistle. One trip up to Sydney to visit my mother's family and my grandfather taught me to whistle and I whistled the whole drive home, driving my parents insane.

It's amazing how much can change in one generation, just think, what will our children, our grandchildren be doing?

I miss the whistling.

Come on people, be like Pinocchio and ♪give a litle whistle♪

Monday, March 14, 2011

Just a random thought...

It would be much easier if my bus stop was before the railway crossing. I'm sick of  my train passing by while I am watching from the bus.

To Spend a Day Being Robin Hood(ette) of the 21st Century

Han and I created our blog while on location at an Archery Range way way way up in the hills where animals roam free. Well, not really but there were definite hills.

So Archery in the 21st century turns out to be a hell of a lot different from the Archery of the 11th Century (circa R.Hood). For one, the arrows have fluro coloured fletching ( I had the pink ones). Also, something I learned today, archery is a lot harder than various portrayers of Robin Hood make it look, especially considering they didn't have an "aimy thing" to help them. This probably wasn't aided by the fact that one of the members of our novice group actually knew what he was doing thus making me feel relatively incompetent.

The trip home was almost as entertaining as the actual bow-and-arrow-ing. An anxiously awaited trip to the "berry place" which turned out to be closed, followed by a greatly anticipated stop off at the Emerald Bakery which was also closed. Logically,  resulting in pizza and ice cream to drown our sorrows.

All in all, the day was a succesful one; a new experience, creation of the first ZoHan blog along with it's first activity of blogament.
Hannah's turn

One of us was a show off...